Letter from the President
I’d like to give a special Thank You to our Alumni Weekend Committee. They planned a great weekend. Please go on the Alumni webpage (www.nursing.jhu.edu/alumni) to view more photos, listen to the presentations and read the committee reports.

The board and members of our committees are making extraordinary progress in our goal to engage alumni. Regional committees are forming in several areas. Thank you to all those involved in this project. We will continue to develop this structure in order to provide education and networking activities. We continue networking events for the students to engage them with alumni. The mentorship program will allow a student to form a meaningful relationship with an alum, to learn more about the nursing profession outside the classroom, and help guide them on their career. We hope you will consider joining the mentor group and assist our future leaders who are graduating from Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing.
The Alumni Association continues to sponsor the pinning ceremonies for School of Nursing graduates. This is becoming a nice tradition.
The Alumni Weekend Committee continues to change this annual event in hopes of engaging new graduates to participate. We want to keep this event meaningful while changing it to meet the needs of the new generation of alumni.
The Archives committee is moving forward. Betty Scher ’50, chief volunteer, has almost completed cataloging the alumni magazines from the past century. It is a wonderful collection of our history and accomplishments. Much work, time, energy, and dedication go into this process. It is truly a labor of love.
I want to thank all our committees. We would not be making the progress we are without each person’s commitment and time.
Please send us your comments. If you would like a printed copy of the commit-tee reports, let us know. ([email protected] or 410-955-4285).
Please keep the alumni office in-formed of where you are and what you are doing. Be a mentor, a regional member, join a committee, pay your dues and join the JHU School of Nursing Alumni Facebook page. Check the website: www.nursing.jhu.edu. We need you!