
Mat Edelson Mat Edelson Medical writer Mat Edelson (“No Boundaries, No Barriers,” page 38) says that what struck him most about the faculty he interviewed was their dedication and commitment of personal time to their adopted countries.  “The only way to overcome suspicion and engender trust about one’s motives is through the creation of long-term relationships,” and Hopkins nursing faculty are doing just that, he says.  Edelson’s most recent book, The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen (w/ Chef Rebecca Katz, 2009, Celestial Arts/Random House), was recently voted “Best Health and Special Diet Cookbook” and the “People’s Choice” award as the best American cookbook by the International Association of Culinary Professionals.
Ryan Etter has been a professional illustrator for more than 18 years, and has developed a strong visual style that is recognizable on the covers of trade and consumer magazines, on POP/POS display promotions, and product presentations.  He is a digital illustrator with the unique approach of using traditional methods to conceptualize and digital means to illustrate.
Debra Wood Debra Wood (“A Global Profession,” page 24) is a registered nurse and writer living in Orlando with her two dogs.  She has received the international nursing honor society Sigma Theta Tau’s media award for excellence in journalism, as well as writer’s association honors for her creative work.