Class of ’40
Pauline Bristol Noonan lives in VT. She has two children, two grandchildren and five great grandchildren. She has had a wonderful life raising her children in a very happy marriage. She is still in close contact with Lorraine Barkhouse Sargent. Pauline and Lorraine were part of a foursome that included Katherine Battye and Sara Buchanan, who are now deceased.
Class of ’41

On a recent visit to see alumni in Maine, Melinda Rose had a delightful visit with Mary Farr Heeg who celebrated her 97th birthday in June and is doing quite well. “Miss Farr” still lives in her own home with the help of some wonderful companions. Prior to seeing Miss Farr, Melinda met several alumni in Portland for lunch—Pat Vreeland Bredenburg ’59, Donna Cousens Conley ’61, Charlotte Gossens Mitchell ’60, Dottie Woods Smith ’60, Rebecca Carroll Johnson ’57, Judy Perley ’65, Eunice Lokiec Wilcox ’67, Fr. Mike McKay MSN ’98.
Class of ’45
Jean Brownley Hunt lives in NC. She has four children, 20 grandchildren and one great grandchild. She is active in her church, community, seniors’ group and enjoys quilting and knitting. She and her husband will be married 59 years in Sept. She remembers long hours, short lunches and split shifts. Lily Pinneo lives in FL and reports that her sister, Rose, class of 1947, died in 2008. Lily is a retired missionary and served as a nurse midwife in two hospitals in Nigeria for 38 years. She now uses a wheelchair because of the arthritis in her right leg.
Class of ’46
Class Reporter—Laura Brautigam June, [email protected]. On behalf of the US Cadet Nurse Corps members, I have been trying to get us an honorable discharge from Congress. At least eight or nine bills have been introduced to this effect, but all have died in committee. Judith Tilt, a friend of mine, is a retired Army Major but not a nurse. She travels to Washington and will attempt to see about this matter for us. She works on behalf of military officers in CA. I urge anyone reading this who was a member of the Corps to contact their senators and representatives to urge them to support any legislation introduced now or in the future that will further this cause.
Class of ’50
Class Reporter—Betty Borenstein Scher, [email protected]. Another reunion letter will be coming out soon. So, this will be brief—for that reason and for JHNAA financial reasons. Ruth Stilz Whitmore, Anna Junkin, and Betty Borenstein Scher had another reunion planning lunch. Ruth is going to Nashville for a family graduation, then to IN and the lake to avoid Baltimore summers. Anna’s ping pong health has gone down a bit with her arthritic problems taking hold for a while. Janey Shutts Pinkerton and Pinky have moved to a retirement community in NC near one of their children, but they are doing fine. No changes with Ginger Groseclose David. Long letter from Cora Lawrence who had a long rehabilitation last year but thinks she can make it to the reunion. She is “back at my 3x week exercise class…walk to the grocery, buses to the market” (which she loves). She also wrote of the “Regional Alumni Meeting” in Seattle and her pleasure in meeting so many newer graduates. Also, got lots of family news. From Mackie McCown Kolb’s husband, James, I received a CD giving the fascinating story of Mackie’s life and family, also some large photos. I am saving them to share at reunion, then will donate it to the Nursing Archives. My clan is fine, but we will be missing my sister-in-law Audrey from our reunion in September; Audrey died a peaceful end in her sleep this spring. She so frequently asked about you guys and looked forward to seeing some of you again. SO, let us know if you are coming. Write up your stories of your proudest nursing episodes. Pay your dues. And see ya’.
Class of ’55
Class Reporter—Margie Barber Trever, [email protected]. Sachi Fukuhara celebrated her 90th birthday with her family. Betty Ann Myers Hadidian continues to give piano lessons to several very apt students.
Class of ’63
Louise Fitzpatrick, EdD, RN, FAAN, Dean of the Villanova School of Nursing, received the Distinguished Colleague Award from the Pennsylvania Higher Education Nursing Schools Association in April.
Class of ’94
MSN Lisette Bunting-Perry, MSN ’94, was awarded a PhD in Nursing from the University of Pennsylvania in May. Her dissertation was titled “Pain in Parkinson’s Disease: Characteristics and Responses in Ambulatory Care Patients” and was chaired by Rosemary Polomano, PhD, RN, FAAN. Lisette plans to continue as the Assistant Clinical Director at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center’s Parkinson’s Disease Research Education and Clinical Center and collaborate with Dr. Polomano in developing clinical trials in pain management for older adults with Parkinson’s disease.
Class of ’00
Class Reporter—Sarah Gauger, [email protected]. Meredith Anthony Strachan is still working in high risk antepartum nursing in FL and is happy to report that she is expecting a little girl in September. Anna Gorsuch Duttera is still working in Hopkins NICU and is happy to report the birth of her second son in March. Marian Grant has just completed her DNP at University of MD and will start there as an Assistant Professor in July; she is looking for a new clinical site to practice acute and palliative care as well. Katie Wetherbee Kotopoulos and family are living in Rwanda; she is helping women start small businesses, homeschooling her two boys and treating local Rwandese/expats who have found out she is an FNP. Brooke Schlosser Schwenk is expecting her second child shortly…stay tuned for another update in the fall. Bekah Frank Kittredge continues to work as a nurse-midwife with Montachusett Women’s Health in NH. Kim Connolly is now the new Director for the Center of Global and Public Health at Villanova University College of Nursing. Sarah Gauger continues to work at Duke Medical Center and has added a dog to her “family” this spring. Jen Ellison is now Jen Ellison Marger as of May 29th. Congratulations! Theodora Kung is living in North Dakota and works in the ICU at Altru Hospital. She recently bought a house three miles out of town on a three acre plot.
Class of ’04
Accelerated Dannielle Bina Toner married Michael Weil earlier this year. She is a pediatric cardiology nurse practitioner at the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University.
Class of ’06
17 month Class Reporter—Lisa Kowal, [email protected]. Brenda Blunt, BSN(17 month 06), MSN has recently accepted a new position as Program Manager for Gilchrist Hospice Care in Baltimore County. The Hospice is developing and educating staff as they embark on their new program for pediatric hospice. Brenda will be managing the interdisciplinary team of case management RNs, a social worker, a chaplain, volunteers, and a medical director in this new program called Gilchrist Kids. Gilchrist is the preferred hospice for JHH and UMMS. Brenda spent four years as a NICU nurse at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.
Class of ’07
Class Reporter—Susan Italiano Mueller, [email protected]. Erin Compton is in Baltimore working at Chase Brexton as a staff nurse/clinical nurse manager. Erin is deciding whether traveling or school might be in her future. Tomi Warren has moved to Oakland, CA where she is pursuing her passion in labor and delivery. She is working as an RN in Walnut Creek and enrolled in grad school at USFC for Certified Nurse Midwifery/Women’s Health NP. Patrice Pantin is in FL working as a critical care nurse at the Baptist Hospital of Miami. She has achieved several initials behind her name including RN, BSN and CCRN. She hopes to add more with future plans of a graduate degree in anesthesia. She has been spending her free time with medical missions to Haiti and administering vaccines. Lisa Anthony Lisle married Robbie in December followed by a honeymoon in Disney World. Together they purchased their first home and bought an adorable puppy. She is working in Anne Arundel Medical Center’s Emergency Room and hopes to soon start studying for the CEN exam. Shelby Barendrick D’Anjou spends most of her professional time in an outpatient surgery center in Mountain View, CA. She still manages to work in critical care at Kaiser South San Francisco on a per diem basis. Shelby is enjoying her new married life. Robyn Duffy has been promoted as the official Clinical Liaison-Acute Pain Service at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. She is working with anesthesiologists managing epidural and spinal anesthesia for surgery and trauma patients. Robyn has been learning a lot about managing pain in opioid tolerant patients and many different medications available for this population. She recently visited Baltimore for the American Pain Society’s annual conference. Joelle Butler wrapped up her master’s program and is now an NP in the Baltimore area. She is working in adult primary care/internal medicine. Joe Spiccioli spent a year and a half after graduation experiencing what it was like to be a nurse in the MICU at Johns Hopkins Bayview. In January 2009, Joe returned to the ED and has been there ever since. Rebecca Amrany is working in pediatrics for UCLA, but moved to a more community based location in Santa Monica. At the UCLA Medical Center and Orthopedic Hospital, Rebecca is running charge and also acts as secretary for their “relationship based care.” She loves her patient population and her work environment. Michele Kraft was recently promoted to Nurse Clinician II. She has been working at the Neuro Critical Care Unit at Johns Hopkins. Stacy Temanowski Guerin is married and recently bought a house in Hampstead, MD. Ellen Flack has been finding her niche in nursing. So far, she has had experience with med/surg, psych, and correctional. She is looking to possibly pursue the wellness, legal or forensic aspects of nursing. Ellen reports that she is on her own personal nursing adventure! She is feeling well and getting healthy after a battle with Crohns. Natalia Neifert LoBue married Brian in 2009 and finished her MSN/MPH at Hopkins in December. She is currently working in the ED at Bayview, but is moving to Tanzania, East Africa this summer. She hopes to work for a non-profit agency and put her new degree to use while her husband works on his NGO position consulting agribusiness. Amanda Allender is in Seattle, WA, working as an adult heme/oncology nurse. Amanda is about to complete her first of three years at the University of Washington in the FNP/DNP program. Kara Franz is now a graduate of the MSN-PNP/MPH program at JHU and is a pediatric NP at the Dundalk Pediatric Associates in MD. She loves the practice she joined and is getting married in Hawaii in March 2011. Kavitha Chockkalingam Wagner is working in the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Institute as a Nurse Clinician II. She completed her oncology certification in November ’09. Kavitha was married in May 2008 and now lives in PA. She is expecting a baby boy in Sept.! Erin Brown Colgan is enjoying her life as mother to her baby boy. Professionally, Erin still works in Indianapolis as a public health nurse for the Health Department. She finishes her MSN program in August. Jeremiah Meeks has been busy after graduation. He moved to Columbus, OH, where he practiced as a critical care nurse. However, recently Jeremiah passed the CCRN exam and started grad school at the University of Akron in the nurse anesthesia program. He is also helping his father start a company that provides emergency response systems for older adults. Most important though was the arrival of his daughter, a “happy, chunky little girl.” Susan Italiano Mueller is still at Hopkins working on an adult medicine and research unit. Susie recently had a daughter who is the joy of her life. Susie and her husband Alex have moved to a new house in Timonium, MD.
Class of ’08
Accelerated Class Reporter—Nicole Baur, [email protected]. Hello Accelerated 2008 Hopkins Nurses! It is always exciting to hear updates from all of you. I, Nicole Baur, am still living in Rochester, MN and working part time on a neurosurgical floor. My full-time job is a Doctor of Nursing in Family Care at the University of MN. I begin a two-year Nurse Practitioner Residency Program at Mayo Clinic this August. My parents recently bought a home in Duluth, MN, and I am looking forward to seeing them more often. Spring and summer have been busy with gardening, traveling, and marathon training. Ashley Beam is working in the PICU at Hopkins Hospital. She is enjoying the challenging role and learning the environment of the unit—couldn’t ask for a more amazing team. She’s still loving Baltimore. She is looking forward to summer festivals in the area and upcoming dates with nursing school friends this year. Kat Richardson Schjei points to lots of changes for her. Since graduation she had been working at Seattle Children’s Hospital on the surgical unit with fellow JHUSON Accelerated ’08 grads Heather Poreda and Glecy DeLeon. She got married to her second grade sweetheart and had a baby last year. The family relocated to Portland, OR. Now she works at the Pediatric Intermediate Care Unit at the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). Melanie Lukesh is working in the EACU at Hopkins, which is part of the ED. She has one more year left in the MSN-FNP program at Hopkins, graduating 5/11! Elizabeth Serrano is working in a nursery at Fountain Valley Hospital, CA and will start working toward becoming a Lactation Consultant this summer. Anne Lester is working in the emergency room at Marin General Hospital in Greenbrae, CA. and is getting married this October!! Leah Shaw took a job at Dartmouth Hitchcock on an inpatient hematology oncology floor. Maria Oasan is working at an OB/GYN office in VA as a full-time nurse and supervisor. She is getting married in September in D.C.! Nicole Holuba is living in New York City working as a PNP at Columbia University Medical Center in the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Clinical Research Center. She is in Columbia’s DNP program. Jeri Hanly, after just under two years at JHH, mostly on Halsted 3 (acute inpatient rehab), is moving in August to a similar unit in St Mary’s Hospital, Grand Junction, Colorado, because that’s where her grandbabies are moving. She and her husband will be just three hours from their condo in Colorado ski country. Kristen Erekson is back at the JHH doing the FNP program full time and plans to graduate in May 2011! Others in the program from accelerated ’08 include Anthony, Melanie, Shirley, Meghan Greeley, and some others. She is excited about a medical mission she is going on this August to Southeast Asia on the US Navy ship Mercy. It is a collaboration among her church, the Navy, and several other NGOs. Johanna McKinzey is still living in Austin, working in an intermediate care unit, starting to climb the clinical ladder and should be an RN III soon. Johanna and her friend moved into a new house last August. She’d love to go back to school. Lyndsay Murray is in Boston working in the thoracic ICU at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and half done her MSN (Adult NP). Jennie Koch is working at JHH. She just started working on the NCCU after doing 1 years on neuro medsurg floor. Emily Culver works in Denver, CO, and is getting married this October.
Class of ’09
Accelerated Tracee Suntharaphat reports that she is working at Little Company of Mary Medical Center in Torrance, CA, in the ICU.