Hello! Did you desperately miss me? I knew you would…
My vacation was much-needed and lovely. I spent a lot of time with the family, the boyfriend, my friends, and the darling neurotic terriers. Josh (the bf) and I went to DC for a day on a great day when the weather wasn’t over 100 degrees. Later, my whole family went down to the central coast of California and did nothing but eat, drink, relax, and get sunburned. Life was lovely!
Not that life isn’t lovely now. I’ll be honest, it’s a little tough coming back. The idea of tests, care plans, and never-ending readings seems very intimidating after the summer we had. However, school started yesterday and so far so good. I didn’t realize how much I missed my friends, and, though I hate to admit it, school.
I am in section 201, which means my first clinical is in the psychiatric mental health unit at Johns Hopkins Hospital. I cannot tell you how absolutely stoked I am for the next seven weeks! Psychology and psychiatric medicine is one of my keen interests- I may even end up being a practitioner in the field in a year or two! I’m hoping that this semester will help me define and shape where I want to go with my nursing career.
Hopefully I’ll have some good stories for y’all, but until then, I am going to finish my pharmacology objectives for the week (yikes!).
Here’s a few vacation images for you to enjoy!