Nursing Assessment

Nursing Assessment

Letters to the Editor

Nursing 2.0

Got your magazine recently and I loved it! Especially the cartoons for the Nursing 2.0—they were so funny and true!

Tracy Brown Wright, MAMC
Director, Public Relations and Alumni Affairs
University of Florida College of Nursing

I just received the new issue of Johns Hopkins Nursing. I really appreciate it, and have definitely enjoyed not only seeing the write-up about my project, but reading all the other articles, as well. The Nursing 2.0 comics are hilarious!

Kitty Poon,
MSN ’09, RN, ANP-BCg

Prom Princess
First and foremost, I wanted to thank you for taking the time and effort that you do to bring all the stories in those pages to print, but of course especially thank you for getting [the “Prom Princess” story (fall/winter 2009)] into print. You did a fantastic job, and I am not sure I told the story that well, but it read beautifully, and I loved the illustration.

You made my week, and I am thrilled to see the Pediatric oncology staff get the recognition that they so richly deserve. As a nurse, I believe most nurses are special, but these women and men will always have a very special place in my heart as they deal with the sickest and most fragile of us with such love and humanity.

Stephanie A. Kearns, RN
Johns Hopkins Hospital

Nurse Uniforms of the Future
Phooey! What stereotypes! Sexy, young, white, female, well proportioned, attractive, … Come on Hopkins School of Nursing, you can do better than this!

Holly Wieland, MPH ’87, RN ’85

Editor’s comment: We contacted dozens of nurse artists from across Hopkins—faculty, staff, and students at the school, plus nurses at the Hopkins-affiliated hospitals—and asked them to portray the “nurse uniform of the future,” whether realistic, fantastical, or super-hero style. The two sketches we received by the end of our campaign clearly showed the skill, creativity, and futuristic thinking of our nurse artists … and just so happened to portray two young white females. Though we would have liked a more diverse representation of the nurses of the future, we knew we needed to share these fun, dynamic illustrations with our readers. Soon after appearing in our magazine, both illustrations were republished at, a website for the national nursing lifestyle magazine, Scrubs.

Geography 101
I always enjoy reading the Johns Hopkins Nursing magazine. In the fall/winter 2009 issue, I was a little surprised to see that the maps on pages 1 and 37 have Minnesota and Wisconsin reversed.

Laurie Glass
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Editor’s comment: Whoops! Our sincere apologies to the residents of Minnesota and Wisconsin—and any geographers who happen to be reading.

The grant reported in “NIH Extends $1 Million Grant for Pediatric Palliative Care” (fall/winter 2009) was awarded to Gail Geller, ScD, MHS, associate professor at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics. Cynda H. Rushton, PhD, RN, FAAN, associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, serves as co-director of the study, which aims to build empathy and understanding among medical professionals who treat children with chronic health conditions.

Letters to Johns Hopkins Nursing
We welcome all letters regarding the magazine or issues relating to Hopkins Nurses. Email 250 words or less to [email protected] or send to:

Editor, Johns Hopkins Nursing
525 N. Wolfe Street
The House, Room 107
Baltimore, MD 21205

Letters may be edited for length or clarity.