Join a Nursing Alumni Regional Committee

Join a Nursing Alumni Regional Committee

Hopkins Nursing alumni are in every corner of the USA and the world. We want them to network, share information, and mentor our new alumni. Join a regional committee of Hopkins Nurses!

The foundation of the Hopkins Nurses’ Alumni Association is the strength, experience and knowledge of its membership. Without its existence, new JHUSON graduates will not benefit from the depth of the alumni networking as they seek connections, employment guidance and continuing education throughout the country after graduation.

It will benefit all Hopkins Nursing alumni if we stay connected throughout the country and the world. Every Hopkins nurse has something to offer. Alumni have started to form committees in Seattle, Boston, San Diego, Albuquerque, and Chicago. Let us know if you will join us and help form a committee in your area. Please become a part of this new venture and contact Melinda Rose at [email protected].

The Membership Committee (Sue Verrillo, MSN ’03, Lisa Kowal ’06, David Hunter ’08)