How to Help Haiti

How to Help Haiti

Students, faculty, and staff have launched a school-wide effort to raise money for two agencies with direct ties to the school. Both are nurse-focused and are already responding to the needs of the Haitian people since the earthquake.

Haitian Health Foundation
Jérémie, Haiti

Approximately 80 Hopkins nursing students and faculty have worked, learned, and served at the Haitian Health Foundation, an extensive community-oriented primary care system, over the past four years.

After the earthquake, Jérémie saw a massive migration of earthquake survivors who are pouring out of Port-au-Prince to outlying regions. Jérémie has already received over 200 people, many of whom are injured, all stunned and grieving.
Learn more at

Haiti Nursing Foundation
Léogâne, Haiti

The Haiti Nursing Foundation (HNF) funds the first baccalaureate nursing school in the country, founded with the help of Alumna Ruth Barnard ’58, PhD.

With the school located in Léogâne, close to the epicenter of the earthquake, the dean, students, and a visiting nurse faculty volunteer “were mobilized within a half hour after the first quake. They set up 10 first aid stations around the town of Léogâne. Approximately 5,000 Léogâne townspeople are being cared for in the yard of the school. Six babies have been delivered by the Dean and students”

Learn more at


You can donate money to these foundations or to support our nursing students and faculty who travel to Haiti. Visit http://jhuson.givezooks.comand click on “Hopkins Nursing for Haiti.”

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