Waiting for More Snow?!! No! Please No!

Waiting for More Snow?!! No! Please No!

Well that just about sums it up for me! Not that I am not a fan of snow, but we have had our share here in Baltimore, with over 75 inches of the white fluffy stuff.  Funny, nursing students are not fans of snow days–or am I wrong? Making up missed clinical can be burdensome. So maybe snow only on the weekends. Digging out of snow and digging out of missed school work. Sigh.

Office hours can be very hectic around here–students stopping by, catching up, asking for a quick diagnosis–for themselves or their grandmother. Today I got a  terrific letter from a student who took her dream job as a dialysis nurse in the Washington, DC area.  She is thrilled and learning so much. Her love for kidneys and patho mirrors my own–and it makes faculty feel so proud to have students find their “niche” and to think that they are well on their way to being the newest nurse leaders.