The JHUSON has been involved in Haiti for over ten years, and during that time, we have had 90-100 faculty and students travel to Haiti to participate in nursing education clinical experiences, clinical practice, and research. Now, post earthquake, we will continue our Haiti-related work with renewed energy in three major ways:
• Awareness: We must keep the health and nursing needs of the Haitian population in the public eye. Here at the SON, we are planning a panel discussion during Public Health Week with Hopkins nurses who have been to Haiti for relief work. We are continuing the Hearts for Haiti campaign, visible from Wolfe Street and from within our building, to show our commitment. We will keep our Haiti web page up to date and prominent for the JHUSON and wider community. We know that there will be major work to do in supporting the rebuilding of the country; it will include strong coordination of Haitian and global partners. We will support those efforts through our awareness campaign and spreading the word. • Fund-raising: It specifically will benefit the two organizations that we have historically strong ties to, the Haitian Health Foundation and Haiti Nursing Foundation. In both cases, these are nurse-focused organizations and both will help us to support the health of thousands of Haitian adults and children through the education and support of the Haitian nursing force. To date, we have raised over $1,700 and we have several other events planned throughout March and April. • On the ground work: Faculty and students will continue to work in the Jérémie area, through our undergraduate PHN course and with graduate student and faculty participation in yearly multidisciplinary medical teams. Additionally, we will support the ongoing relief efforts in Port au Prince as opportunities arise. |
SON Plan for Immediate Future