News from the Johns Hopkins Nurses’ Alumni Association

I want to thank all of you who attended Homecoming this year. The educational program was very informative and well-attended as were the cocktail party and luncheon. At the Homecoming luncheon, Mary Warfield gave a wonderful talk about the class of 1959’s experiences in nursing at Johns Hopkins. It was captivating, interesting, and moving. We need to find a way to film and broadcast these verbal accounts of the Hopkins experience over the years. All students and alumni would enjoy and embrace this history of Hopkins nursing through historic times.
The Nurses’ Alumni Association annual business meeting minutes and reports are usually shared in this section. The board decided to post the annual report online to allow space for some class news in this issue of the magazine.
The primary area of focus for JHNAA’s next year is engagement. We will continue networking events for the students as well as sponsoring the pinning ceremonies. The membership committee will focus on community service as well as developing regional subcommittees which will reach out to Hopkins Nurses in their area. Also, a board director will focus on Facebook networking. We are reaching out to alumni in other areas to join committees through conference calls. If you are interested, please let us know (no matter where you live). Homecoming committee will be looking at creative ways to enhance this experience. Please do not hesitate to send me your comments and suggestions ([email protected] or 410-955-4285).
Join your fellow alumni and please consider paying your alumni dues!
I would like to end my comments by thanking Lois Hoffer, JoAnn Coleman, and Sue Culp for all their support. They will be missed on the Board. [email protected]