I was just thinking about how it was around this time last year, that I found out I would be coming to Johns Hopkins…
It was a very exciting morning, I believe it was just before 7:00 am (because I was three hours behind on the West coast) sleeping soundly when my phone rang. Groggily I answered, wondering who in the world would be calling and why, but as soon as I heard the news- I promptly squealed, probably said something quite unprofessional and immature like “sweeeeeeett!” followed with more squealing, hung up, and then promptly (with a big smile, I am sure) went back to sleep. Sounds kind of anticlimactic, but just imagine waking up to the good news two times- the first time with a phone call, the second with minor confusion and then a happy realization that it wasn’t a dream!
So, for those of you who got that happy call (groggily or not), which will change your life for sure;
Advice, advice, advice…??? Not yet.
There are lots of things I feel that I could tell you, things I’ve learned that have worked well, and things that I would do differently. However, for now, just spend the next six months enjoying the people and things you love, because for good, and hopefully for better, your life is about to change. Plus, advice is better given in person I think, over a cup of coffee and chocolate. I promise you can hunt me down at Accepted Student’s Day or find me when you move here. Bombard me with questions, and you can even freak out a bit- I did it too and had an awesome former student (now awesome nurse!) calm my fears and encourage me- I won’t mind at all!
Nursing school is both a sacrifice and a blessing, so you will be living between that tension, balancing the two, hopefully with grace, and patience with yourself. Again, congratulations to you, who will make amazing nurses someday!
I’ll let you know how classes go soon- I am sure you are all dying to hear about Adult health and Pediatrics, and I’m sure there will be a lot to say!
Peace and happiness to you in this new year!
p.s. I just thought of an invaluable tidbit of advice that can not wait until accepted student’s day… read as many books as you can possibly get your hands on- reading for pleasure is doable, but definitely not the same! So you know, if you’re a nerd like me, and you like that sort of thing… READ! 🙂