Fall Frenzy

Fall Frenzy

Welcome to the Fall Semester of 2009. Where did the Summer go and the “no more teachers no more books”? The quiet times are over with, but honestly, when is it truly quiet around here? The students are back into the swing of things, the classrooms are alive with lecture and discussion, the labs are packed with new nursing students learning new skills, the NIRC is “alive” with quiet chatting, the click-clack of keyboards typing, and that flipping sound that textbook pages make when they are turned.

In additional to the new Accels who started back in May, we welcomed the new 119 members of the Traditional Class of 2011 in August. To give you a little information about them, we have 108 women and 11 men. They range in age from 19 to 53 with the average being 26 years old. 89 of the new Traditional students entered this Fall with a previous Bachelors Degree, and 36 different academic majors were represented among all of our students (everything from Accounting to Women’s Studies)! Our students have also attended 86 previous colleges and universities (including three from my Alma Mater).

The Traditional Class of 2011 comes from 29 different states and South Korea, with 14 students originating from 11 foreign countries. The largest single representation was from Maryland with 28, followed closely behind by California with 24, the next closed was Pennsylvania with 8 students. The record for longest commute would go to our student from Alaska.

Finally, 10 students represent our Articulation program schools, and 6 represent the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Fellowship.

There they are by the numbers. Welcome back students, good luck to you all in the Fall Semester from us in the Office of Admissions and Student Services.