Acute and Chronic Care Faculty

Rosemary Mortimer, MEd, MSN, RN received the 2009 Leader of Leaders Award from the National Student Nurses’ Association.
Marie Nolan, PhD, MPH, RN will be inducted as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing this November.
Linda Rose, PhD, RN was named Director of the Society for Education and Research in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (SERPN), a division of the International Society of Psychiatric Nursing (ISPN).
Jennifer Wenzel, PhD, RN, CCM was awarded a $729,000 Mentored Research Scholar Grant from the American Cancer Society to help rural African American elders obtain quality care for cancer.

Community Public Health Faculty
Nancy Glass, PhD, MPH, RN will be inducted as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing this November. She also received the Urban Health Institute’s Faculty Community Grant to help victims of domestic violence.
Elizabeth (Betty) Jordan, DNSc, RN, RNC and Shirley Van Zandt, MS, MPH, RN, CRNP received the top award in the Community Outreach category from the Maryland Daily Record’s Health Care Heroes program for their leadership of the Birth Companions Program.
Lori Edwards, MPH, BSN, APRN, BC received an award for Outstanding Faculty Community Service from the Student Outreach Resource Center.
Phyllis Sharps, PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN was honored as an “Emerging Leader” at the Associated Black Charities’ Annual Fundraising Gala. Sharps has been named to the Institute of Medicine committee to study “Qualifications of Professionals Providing Mental Health Counseling Services under TRICARE.”
Health Systems & Outcomes Faculty
Patricia Abbott, PhD, RN, BC, FAAN, FACMI and colleagues have launched Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL), an international open source online journal.
Cheryl Dennison, PhD, RN, ANP received a $451,000 research project grant (R21) from the National Institute of Nursing Research to evaluate a nurse-led heart failure care transition intervention for African Americans.
Dean Martha Hill, PhD, RN, FAAN was named one of Maryland’s 2009 Top 100 Women by the Daily Record. This distinction is given to women who demonstrate leadership, community service, and mentoring.
Kathi White, PhD, RN, CNAA, BC along with JHH nurse Sandra Dearholt, and DNP student Stephanie Poe, received the 2009 Nursing Publication Award from the Johns Hopkins Department of Nursing for Educational Strategies to Develop Evidence-Based Practice Mentors.
Research assistant Brandon Johnson has been accepted to the Master in Health Science program at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Mary O’Rourke, director of admissions and student services, received a master of science in counseling from the Johns Hopkins University School of Education.
Megan Solinger, admissions officer, received a master of health science degree from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.
The Marketing and Communications office has received two Hermes Creative Awards from the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals: a platinum for Johns Hopkins Nursing and an Honorable Mention for an advertisement for the Forensic Nursing certificate program. The office was also awarded bronze in the Magazine Advertising/Single category (Forensic Nursing ad) from the Admissions Marketing Report 24th Annual Admissions Advertising Awards.
MSN student Kelly Caslin received the 2009 Linda Arenth Award for Innovation in Service Excellence from the JHH Department of Nursing for Frequent Vitals: Turning Press Ganey Data into Results.
Meghan Greeley received a School of Nursing Student Award from the Student Outreach Resource Center.
MSN/MPH students Sarah Hoffman and Kristen Jadelrab were inducted into Delta Omega, the honorary society for graduate studies in public health.
Ronald Langlotz, MSN ’09, received the 2009 Nursing Excellence Award from the JHH Department of Nursing for Implementation of Pediatric IV Response Team in Radiology.
Kelsey Oveson ’09 received the 2009 Shirley Sohmer Award from the JHH Department of Nursing for her research in “Determination of Most Appropriate Diet in Leukemia Patients Receiving AcD-Ac Consolidation Chemotherapy.”
Callie Simkoff ’09 and Kathy Whitlow ’09 received a Hopkins Alumni Association grant for their project “Eating Fine in ’09,” to meet with WIC clients to discuss nutritional health issues such as anemia and childhood obesity.
Summer Venable, MSN/MPH candidate, was awarded a $5000 grant from the Hopkins Fogerty Global Framework Program to study women survivors of violence in DRC.
Nine students from the accelerated class of 2009 will do their Transitions Practicum internationally: Lindsay DeCarlo, Mary Plumb, Lindsay Randall, and Katherine Woodward, Tawam Hospital, United Arab Emirates; Hugh Baxter and Jessica Plocher, Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinic, China; and Allison Burg, Elizabeth Crisostomo, and Lauren Hunt, Tan Tock Seng, Singapore.
Approximately 30 students received special awards and recognition at the 2009 graduation ceremonies.
A Hopkins Nursing Hero
It was late on Tuesday evening, May 12th, when accelerated student Jessica Hancock ’09 heard a loud crash. Arriving before the emergency crews, she assisted the car crash victims until help arrived. “It’s not too big of a deal, anyone would have done this,” Hancock said. Maryland’s ABC affiliate Channel 2 called Hancock “a hero.”
Four Faculty Promoted
Faculty members (left to right) Hae-Ra Han, PhD, RN; Cheryl Dennison, PhD, RN, ANP; Patti Abbott, PhD, RN, BC, FAAN, FACMI; and Jo Walrath, PhD, MS, RN have been promoted to associate professor.
Faculty Publications Online
Check out the latest list of journal articles, book chapters, and books written by Hopkins nursing faculty at