News from the Johns Hopkins Nurses’ Alumni Association

I want to thank all of you who returned the postcard we mailed earlier this year. We had a wonderful response both in an increase in dues and in information collected. Thank you for your support.
Like so many people, the Alumni Association has been affected by the market decline, and we are doing our best to cut costs and work more efficiently. The largest expense for the Alumni Association is the cost of the Vigilando section of the Johns Hopkins Nursing magazine ($30,000 per year). After much discussion, it seems that the only way to lower our magazine cost is to put the class news online rather than pay $1,000 per page in the magazine.
We do realize that many of you do not have access to a computer, and we are considering alternate ways to send out the information. For now, the Vigilando section of the magazine for the spring and summer issues will be two pages; eight pages will be published in the fall following Homecoming and the annual meeting. The Board realizes that the Class News section is one of the first places alumni go to in the magazine, but we feel we must be fiscally responsible at this time. Please do not hesitate to send me your comments and suggestions on this matter ([email protected] or 410-955-4285).
On a more upbeat note, over 250 students (90 percent) participated in the two pinning ceremonies this year, and they very much appreciate the Alumni Association’s efforts in maintaining this nursing tradition. At this event, the students are officially welcomed into the Alumni Association and learn the history of the Hopkins nursing pin.
The Alumni Association hosted several networking events for baccalaureate students during the school year. We had our first networking event for Nurse Practitioner students. Several alumni came and shared experiences and advice. It was wonderful and well received. Our hope is to continue to extend networking events to other areas of practice for master’s students. Thanks to those alumni who shared their experiences and expert advice.
Thank you again for your interest in the Alumni Association. Be involved —join us for Homecoming on September 25th and 26th. Join JHU InCircle or the JHUSON Alumni Facebook page; send us your e-mail address; let us know where you are working. We need your participation!
-Tina Cafeo, MSN ’97, RN
President, JHNAA
[email protected]