They Must be Hopkins Nurses

They Must be Hopkins Nurses

An old Hopkins joke has it that during the war [WWII] a helicopter arrived on a remote island in the Pacific carrying a doctor who was needed urgently for emergency surgery. The doctor was led to a small hut which staff had readied for the operation. Once scrubbed, he approached the makeshift operating table and surveyed his patient. Ready to begin, he reached for an instrument, but the nurse shook her head and handed him a different implement. “Oh…don’t tell me,” he sighed, “a Hopkins nurse!” -Excerpted from Hopkins Nursing: 1889 -1989

Share your outstanding Hopkins Nursing story as part of “They Must Be Hopkins Nurses,” a celebra-tion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON) as a division of the University and the 120th anniversary of nursing education at Johns Hopkins.

Submit your story for publication on the School of Nursing website-and possibly in Johns Hopkins Nursing magazine-by visiting

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