Magazine Staff

Magazine Staff

Managing Editor
Lynn Schultz-Writsel, Director of Communications

Kelly Brooks-Staub, MA, Assistant Director of Communications

Art Director
Pamela Li, Alumni Magazine Consortium

Editorial Staff

Jacquelin Gray, Vigilando Editorial Assistant

Mfonobong Umana, Online Editor

Diana Schulin, Online Editor

Advisory Board

Sarah Balensiefer, Accelerated ’08

Terry Bennett, Director of Nurse Recruitment, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

Jennifer Calhoun, Assistant Dean, Strategic Initiatives

JoAnn Coleman, RN, MS, AOCN, ACNP, Postmaster’s ’95

Deborah Dang, Director of Nursing Practice, Education, and Research, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Marian Grant, BSN ’00, MSN ’05

Karen Haller, VP of Nursing and Patient Care Services, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Fiona Newton, Associate Dean, Development & Alumni Relations

Mary O’Rourke, Director of Admissions

Sandy Reckert-Reusing, Director of Communications and Public Affairs, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

Leslie Kemp, BSN ’95

Melinda Rose, Associate Director, Alumni Relations

Robert Rosseter, Director of Public Affairs, American Association of Colleges of Nursing

Sharon Sopp, Sr., Communications Manager, Howard County General Hospital

David Twillman ’09

Johns Hopkins Nursing is a publication of the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing and the Johns Hopkins Nurses’ Alumni Association. The magazine tracks Johns Hopkins nurses and tells the story of their endeavors in the areas of education, practice, scholarship, research, and national leadership.

Send correspondence to:
Johns Hopkins University
School of Nursing
525 N. Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21205
Fax: 410.614.9704
[email protected]