Securing a Future for Our Past
I want to take this opportunity to again ask everyone to consider contributing to the new Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Building Fund. I know many of you share in my passion to have a space in the new facility named in our honor. So far, I have received good faith promises of $1,000 donations from a dozen alumni. The financial payments have not been officially worked out, but paying $200 per year over five years is a real possibility. I know the economy is horrendous. However, I hope your alumni association and the place where you received your nursing foundation have a place in both your heart and your five-year financial plan. Please contact me if you want to be a part of this effort or have any questions.
At Homecoming 2008, a Hopkins alum donated a letter to the archives, which was written by Florence Nightingale to a physician. At an archives meeting, I had the distinct pleasure of reading the letter. Miss Nightingale’s handwriting and grammar were nothing short of pristine. I hope many of you will make time to visit the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives in Mount Washington, where all of the Church Home collection is kept, along with precious artifacts from Miss Nightingale.
Allow me to sign off this plea as Miss Nightingale did in her correspondence, as it is most fitting.
“Believe me yours faithfully,”
Deb Kennedy, CHH’73
Class of 53 Celebrates Their 55th Reunion

On October 16, 2008 eleven members of the Class of ’53 celebrated their 55th reunion at the waterfront home of Mary Lou Long Hiortdahl’s daughter. The house was decorated with many fine needlepoint art and linens done by Mary Lou, and she gave each of us an embossed towel with the CHH Cross. The day included a boat ride, luncheon, video, and shared memories. The tradition of passing the “Friendship Ball” was passed to Janice Lewis Harshman. Jane came all the way from Alabama and other travelers included Mickey Shinnick Lagaza from California and Connie Metallo Kuehn from Florida. Those who could stay a second day celebrated with brunch at Mary Lou’s home in LaPlata followed by dinner at Captain Billy’s on the waterfront. There are tentative plans for a 2009 reunion in Orlando at a Disney Resort! Of the 32 graduates of this class, 24 remain.
Class of 68 has 40th Reunion
Twenty members of the class of 1968 celebrated their 40th reunion the weekend of Oct 18-19, 2008 at the home of Lynette Pearce Sewell. They came from OR, CA, WI, CO, FL, VA, & MD. Lynette told me the class had a great time and “just picked up where we left off in 1968.” Thanks to Lynette for sending in an updated class list to ensure everyone stays up to date.
A Church Home or a Hopkins Nurse?
More than one CHH alum noticed the photo and caption on page 60 in the fall issue of the magazine, depicting a 1950s nurse performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Though she was acknowledged as a “Hopkins Nurse” for working at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, she was indeed wearing a Church Home cap! If anyone knows who this CHH grad is, please let me know.
Lindsey Hemrick Named 2009 Creutzburg Scholar
Congratulations to Lindsey Hemrick, accelerated ’09, on being named the 2009 Freda Creutzburg Scholar. Lindsey currently holds a degree in History from the University of Santa Cruz in California, where she was born and raised. At the scholarship luncheon, Lindsey shared that she really likes life and school on the east coast and has learned to enjoy steamed crabs. In her letter of appreciation for the scholarship Lindsey wrote, “being a recipient of the Freda L. Creutzburg Memorial Scholarship is an honor and for that I thank you. Your support has enabled me to take full advantage of the opportunities provided to me here at Hopkins. It is amazing to live and learn with students who have done so many exceptional things. I look forward to completing my education in August 2009 and becoming an RN that Miss Creutzburg would be proud of.”
Creutzburg Scholar Lindsey Hemrick, accelerated ’09, is con-gratulated by Deb Kennedy CHH ’73 & Daria Malan, CHH ’75
Send any address changes or notice of deceased members t Deb Kennedy, 1990 Gulfstream Court, Forest Hill, MD 21050; 410-893-2421, [email protected].
Purchase Your CHH Pin, Cap, or Ring
The CHH Cap can be obtained from Kay’s Caps by requesting School #33. The cost is $11.00 for each cap plus $6.50 shipping and handling for 1-5 caps. Caps are available in size medium or large. Orders can be placed by phone (516-791-8500) or by mail (Kay’s Caps, PO Box 818, Valley Stream, NY 11582).
Exact replicas of the CHH pin are available in 14K or 10K gold. CHH school rings are available in gold or silver. Due to the increase in gold prices, call for an updated price. To order a pin or ring, call Vince Fino, 9650 Belair Road, Perry Hall, MD 21236, 410-256-9555.
In Search of…
After the fall issue of Church Notes was published, I received a call from Martha Wheeler Addison, CHH ’75. Martha, a retired Lt. Colonel from the Air Force who now lives in Florida, was very interested in finding two of her classmates, Dorcas Pace and Gloria Watts. It only took a few e-mails to a few of her class-mates here in Baltimore to find that Dorcas is here and working at Hopkins. If anyone knows how to contact Gloria Watts, please let me know and I will be sure to pass this on to Martha.
Archive Donations
Thanks to Julia Webster, ’48 for the donation of class memorabilia to the archives.
Transcript Update
To obtain copies of your transcript, contact Aniese Gentry at Quinlan Storage (formerly Chart One Storage) in Jessup at 888-416-5353 (ext. 7550 or 3907).
In Memoriam
Evelyn Shipley Thomas ’34
Ruth P. Taylor ’37
Doris Gleim Dugas, CHH ’42 Betty P. Harmon ’53