The JHNAA is busy planning the activities for Homecoming Weekend, September 26 and 27. We look forward to seeing many of you there. We hope to have alumni from both the graduate and undergraduate programs here to celebrate Hopkins nursing. We are pleased that so many of our jubilarians, those who graduated more than 50 years ago, are active and able to return to Hopkins for this annual celebration. Last year we had a record 89 jubilarians attend the annual luncheon!
Swan Song: Stay Connected
This is a very exciting time for the School of Nursing and the Alumni Association-Pinning ceremonies and graduation coupled with a stream of new faces starting for in the accelerated programs. When I look out at the sea of faces, I see excitement about opportunities that await them. I am overwhelmed with thoughts of all the people that will be affected by this positive “metastases”-smart, vibrant and compassionate individuals going out into the world to practice as a Hopkins nurse. They will add to our rich network of nurses pursuing clinical and scholarly goals that will benefit many. We are proud of each and every one of them. After three years as JHNAA President, I will be stepping down this fall-a very bittersweet time for me as the ride has been wonderful. Thanks to all of you who have supported me and the Board in our efforts to strengthen our relationships with the school, each other and the larger University. Every baby step brings us closer together.
In every column, I sing the same refrain-so it is appropriate and expected that it will be part of my Swan song. The alumni association has been working hard to connect with the students and the faculty but it is challenging for a few people to do alone. We appreciate those of you who continually offer to assist with reaching out to young alum by hosting receptions, making phone calls or just showing up. A few gestures on each of our parts go a long way-paying dues and offering to connect in some way with one or two alumni will expand and strengthen our organization. The Alumni office has worked hard partnering with the Development office to update our communications (the beautiful magazine, website and updated List serve) but they are limited in refining this information without your input. Please send your updated contact information so we can stay connected.
Make a vow today to update your contact information, attend a nursing alumni event (homecoming, networking receptions, etc.) and/or call a recent graduate and offer your assistance. Welcome them into our network of rich tradition, expert nursing and friendship. We need your support to grow. I can speak with confidence that networking with students and recent alumni have opened doors for me both personally and professionally in ways I would have never imagined if I hadn’t agreed years ago to take the first small but bold step to give back. I am proud to be a Hopkins nurse and vow to stay connected with the school and the association. Please get connected and help us stay strong. We each have something unique to give back to the profession of nursing and to our Hopkins nursing peers-ourselves. Do it today. I look forward to seeing many of you at Homecoming-have a safe and healthy summer.