Class Notes for alumnae of the Church Home and Hospital School of Nursing
By Deborah Corteggiano Kennedy ’73
Save the Date: Homecoming 2008
The Homecoming Committee has reconvened to start planning Homecoming ’08, so mark your calendars for September 26-27, 2008. The Friday evening Cocktail Party will feature excellent food, a martini bar, and music from the Todd Simon Jazz Trio, a group of Peabody students! It is especially nice for CHH alumni to see the photographs and uniforms from our past displayed for our enjoyment and reminiscing. If you really want to make a day of it, come early for a continuing education opportunity hosted by the Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing from 9:00am to 3:00pm.
Details for the Saturday luncheon are forthcoming, as the committee is considering how to make the weekend fair and affordable yet still preserve the warmth and nostalgia that we all love about Homecoming. Please contact me if you have any ideas or suggestions.
If transportation to either Friday or Saturday events is an issue for you, call me and I guarantee I will get you there. It won’t be on the back of my husband’s Harley, but it will be a safe and comfortable ride!
Lastly, a special note to my fellow ’73 classmates: This is our 35th, and I hope we really have an exciting turnout! Be there!
CHH Nursing Across The Generations
Anita Shauck CHH ’42 and daughter Wendy Shauck CHH ’75 appear in the article “A Nursing Vocation for Each Generation” on pages 38-39. The Shaucks and Herb and Matthew Zinder, a father-son pair of nursing alumni from Johns Hopkins, discuss how the profession has evolved across the generations.
More Archives, YEAH!
Many thanks to Carolyn Massimore Crutchfield ’67 for her donation of a 1965 CHH Yearbook. It is in excellent condition and helps to complete the Yearbook collection.
I also received a 1972 Class photo from Judy Chamberlain ’72. The color in the photo is still in great condition. These items will now become part of the Church Home & Hospital School of Nursing collection housed at the Alan Chesney Medical Archives. Thank you, Carolyn and Judy!
To complete the CHH collection, we need yearbooks (1961, 1962, & 1963) and class pictures (1945, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1970, & 1971). Please consider donating to the Archives, or lending your photos to be digitally copied.
To ensure that everyone continues to receive mailings, please send any address changes or notice of deceased members t Deb Kennedy, 1990 Gulfstream Court, Forest Hill, MD 21050; 410-893-2421, [email protected].
Class of ’58 Planning for ’08 Celebration
Phyllis Abendschoen ’58 is so excited about the upcoming 50th celebration for her class that she event sent in an updated class list that has been put into the Hopkins database! I look forward to putting beads on all of the “Golden Girls” of ’58 at the reunion. We still need addresses for five classmates: Agnes Marshall, Skipper Shirley Korschgen, Lauren Ide, Sue Green and Joy Davis. If you know how to get in touch with any of them, call Phyllis at her home number, 410-744-1312.
Freda Creutzburg Scholar Named

It was a thrill for me to again meet the recipient of the Freda L. Creutzburg Memorial Scholarship in honor of Church Home & Hospital School of Nursing. Jessica Moon ’08, the third scholarship recipient, already holds a BS degree from Gettysburg College. Jessica, in a letter of appreciation, wrote, “I would like to thank you for your support of my nursing education. I have always had a strong desire to serve others as a healthcare provider and have devoted a lot of time to various community service groups and activities. I am unsure as to what area of nursing I will work in but I know I have a vast array of opportunities. I am greatly honored and appreciative to serve as the Freda L. Creutzburg Scholar”.
I know you all share in my pride as we continue to be nurses helping others fulfill their dreams and become nurses through the scholarship.
CHH Alumni in the News
The December 7, 2007 issue of The Examiner featured an article by Michael Olesker on Myrtle Miller Watson ’35, the oldest living female survivor from the attack on Pearl Harbor. Myrtle joined the Navy after graduating from CHH and was the nurse on duty on the fateful day. Myrtle is doing well and resides at Oak Crest in Baltimore County.
Kathy DeVivo ’69 was highlighted in The Capitol Gazette on January 2, 2008. Kathy has developed MS and was in need of some assistance. Community partners built her a ramp to make her home handicapped accessible.
CHH Transcripts
Church Home alumni may obtain a free copy of their transcript by contacting Chart One Storage. Send your name as it appears on the transcript, Social Security number, date of birth, date of graduation, and present name and address t Chart One Storage; Attention: Aneise; 8246-C Sandy Court; Jessup, MD 20794. If you have any questions, contact Aneise at 1-800-733-2679 x5308.
Purchase Your CHH Pin, Cap, or Ring
The CHH Cap can be obtained from Kay’s Caps by requesting School #33. The cost is $11.00 for each cap plus $6.50 shipping and handling for 1-5 caps. Caps are available in size medium or large. Orders can be placed by phone (516-791-8500) or by mail (Kay’s Caps, PO Box 818, Valley Stream, NY 11582).
Exact replicas of the CHH Pin in 14K gold can be obtained from Fino Jewelers for $250.
And now, Fino Jewelers is also able to reproduce the CHH school ring. (Thanks to Susan Riddleberger ’73 for lending her class ring to be photographed, weighed, and measured for replication!) The ring has an oval shape with the CHH dome in the center and the words ‘Church Home and Hospital School of Nursing’ encircled along the edge. Rings may be purchased in sterling silver ($125), 10K gold ($415), 14K gold ($565), or 14K white gold ($595).
To order your CHH ring or pin, contact Mr. Vince Fino, 9650 Belair Road, Perry Hall, MD 21236, 410-256-9555.
In Memoriam
Jean Fehl Graves ’35
Anna Helen Miller Stack ’43
Florence Vesper Strohmer ’51Peggy Schoepflin Eldredge ’57