Department of Health Systems & Outcomes
Nursing informatics expert Patricia Abbott, PhD, RN, BC, FAAN, spoke to the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and was the keynote speaker at the Washington Hospital Center’s first annual Nursing Informatics Symposium. She is also featured in a PBS series on the future of nursing and information technology.

Cheryl Dennison, PhD, ANP, has been appointed co-editor of the Progress in Prevention column in the Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing.
Cynda Hylton Rushton, PhD, RN, FAAN, was one of five alumni inductees to the University of Kentucky College of Nursing’s first Hall of Fame.
Jodi Shaefer, PhD, RN, presented the keynote address at the National Fetal and Infant Mortality Review 6th National Conference.
Mary Terhaar, DNSc, RN, has been selected by the National League for Nursing to serve as the NLN Ambassador for the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing.
Kathi White, PhD, RN, CNAA, BC, has been appointed interim director of the Maryland Patient Safety Center, created by the Maryland Hospital Association.
Department of Acute and Chronic Care
Anne Belcher, PhD, RN, AOCN, FAAN, has been selected for fellowship in the National League for Nursing Academy of Nursing Education.
Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has appointed Department Chair Fannie Gaston-Johansson, PhD, RN, FAAN, as one of six members of the Maryland Health Care Access and Reimbursement Task Force.

Janice Hoffman, PhD, RN, was appointed a member of the Maryland State Board of Spinal Cord Injury Research for a term of four years. Hoffman also is featured on the May page of the 2008 Maryland Nurses Association “Faces of Nursing” calendar.
Marie Nolan, PhD, MPH, RN, has been elected to the board of the International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing.
Julie Stanik-Hutt, PhD, ACNP, was selected as a Leadership Fellow in the 2007 American Association of Colleges of Nursing Leadership for Academic Nursing Program.
Department of Community and Public Health
Kathleen Becker, MS, CRNP, led a delegation of primary care nurses to Russia and Poland for People to People Ambassador’s Program.
Nancy Glass, PhD, MPH, RN, was the first recipient of the Linda Saltzman New Investigator Award Selection for her intimate partner violence research.

Joan Kub, PhD, APRN, BC, has been elected to the Board of Directors of the American Community Health Nurse Educators.
Department Chair Phyllis Sharps, PhD, RN, FAAN, received the Research Award from the Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community.
Nancy Woods, PhD, CNM, was awarded the 2007 Miriam Manisoff Award at the 31st Annual Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Drexel University’s Women’s Health Conference. Baltimore’s Shepherd’s Clinic has received a $180,000 grant over three years to continue a telephone-based intervention to improve the lives of abused women—as a result of a pilot study Woods conducted through the SON Center for Collaborative Intervention Research.
Elizabeth Billings-Whitfield, an MSN/MPH student, was presented with a Service Award from the Johns Hopkins Student Outreach Resource Center (SOURCE).
Prior to graduation in May, students from the traditional class of 2007—Ron Noecker, Vivion Vinson, Rachel Walker, Nicole Wedding, and Patrice Pantin—met with Maryland legislators to discuss state funding for students at this year’s Higher Education Day.
Sarah Burney ’08 and Chris Howell ’08 collected 1,000 pounds of medical and nursing books, filled 17 M-bags, and shipped them to the Nurse Training Program at St. Albert’s Mission Hospital in Centernary, Zimbabwe. Bringing four large duffel bags of medical supplies on their journey, Burney and Howell followed the books across the Atlantic this summer to work as volunteer nurses at St. Albert’s.
Christina Fusco, accel. ’01, MSN/MPH student, received a post-graduate internship with Jean Yan, WHO chief nurse scientist, in Geneva.
PhD student Jeanne Alhusen, MSN, RN, was selected for the 2006-2008 Johnson & Johnson Community Health Care Scholars Program.
Team Efforts
Registrar Linda Blankenship; Libby Miles, Winter Backmon, and Nicole Blake of the Registrar’s Office; Tom Knowlden, Colleen Hughes, Amanda Pflaumer of the Computer Network Services; and Steve Hellen, Project Manager of JHU Student Information Systems; were key contributors to launching a new Integrated Student Information Systems (ISIS) project.
The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing is now an American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Approved Provider for NP continuing education.
In July, Gayle Page, DNSc, RN, FAAN; Dan Sheridan, PhD, RN, FNE-A, FAAN; Michelle Patch, RN; Cheryl Dennison, PhD, APN; Hayley Mark, PhD, MPH, RN; Jason Farley, PhD(c), MPH, MSN, CRNP; and Keisha Walker, MSN, RN, presented highlights of their research to 11 staff members who work for Maryland members of the U.S. Congress.