By Lynn Schultz-Writsel

This summer marks the beginning of new leadership at the helm of Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing academic programs and the Center for Nursing Research and Sponsored Projects (CNR). During July and August, three senior faculty members are slated to assume directorships and will join a fourth new leader named earlier this year.
Marie Nolan, DNSc, RN; Kathleen (Kathi) White, PhD, RN, CNAA, BC; and Linda Rose, PhD, RN have been tapped to serve as directors of the school’s academic programs and Gayle Page, RN, DNSc, FAAN, is the new director of the CNR.
Associate professor Nolan, who replaces Page as the new director of the PhD program, was previously director of the Doctor of Nursing Science program and currently co-directs the joint Peking Union Medical

College/ Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing collaborative doctoral program in Beijing, China. Her program of research, which is supported by the National Institute for Nursing Research, involves patient and family decision making in critical illness. Nolan also holds a joint appointment with Hopkins’ Phoebe R. Berman Bioethics Institute.
Associate professor White has been named director of the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program. White is a former director of the school’s Faculty Practice plan and served for the past six years as coordinator of the Health Systems Management MSN and the MSN/Master of Business Administration track.

The appointments of Nolan and White complete the creation of a new academic program leadership team that includes associate professor Linda Rose, PhD, RN, the new director of the Baccalaureate Program. Rose, who has taught in both the baccalaureate and PhD programs since joining the faculty in 1993, was appointed earlier this year. Previously, Rose coordinated the baccalaureate program psychiatric mental health course and research course and was the chair of the Bachelor of Science Curriculum Review task force that facilitated the curriculum revision implemented in 2005. Her area of research is patients’ and families’ coping with serious mental illnesses.

The fourth new leader, professor Gayle Page, has been appointed to head the CNR, effective July 1. Page came to Hopkins School of Nursing in 1998 as associate professor and Independence Foundation Chair in Nursing Education. Since 2002, she has served as director of the PhD programs. She is known nationally for her research in the biological consequences of unrelieved pain and has been a research mentor to many faculty and PhD students. Page is an active member of the school’s Internal Scientific Review Committee and has chaired National Institute for Nursing Research (NINR) review committees. Most recently, she was awarded—jointly with Hopkins School of Medicine colleague Jennifer Haythornthwaite, PhD—a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Roadmap Postdoctoral Training grant aimed at preparing interdisciplinary research teams addressing the complex challenge of pain.
According to School of Nursing Dean Martha N. Hill, “The appointment of these leaders to new positions is testimony to the quality of our faculty. Senior Associate Dean [for Academic Affairs] Anne Belcher, Associate Dean [for Research] Jerilyn Allen, and I are pleased to have a cadre of faculty members of this caliber who are primed to step into these important leadership positions and to carry forward the continued excellence of our academic and research missions.”