All photos by Joe Kemp and Roger Baumgarten

Nightingala 2006, an evening of folk, country, and blue-grass music performed by former John Denver band members and colleagues, raised $304,734 to benefit the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing community health centers and the free nursing care programs that are vital to vulnerable families and individuals in East Baltimore.

Prior to the concert, guests gathered in the Peabody Library for a VIP reception and silent auction. Auction items included artwork, wine, sports memorabilia, local getaways to Fenwick Island and St. Helena Island, and international trips to Paris and Ireland. Friends and supporters of the school’s community health programs then moved to Peabody’s Concert Hall for the sixth Nightingala event.
The concert, held in con-junction with the Music Unites the Soul of Everyone (M.U.S.E.) Foundation, featured performers John Sommers, Jim Salestrom, Chris Nole, Mollie Weaver, Jim Horn, Bill Danoff, and local favorites Mack Bailey, Kenn Roberts, Ira Gitlin, and the musical group, The Hard Travelers. In the tradition Denver established in his performances, the band was accompanied by the Columbia Orchestra—a full 30-piece orchestra.

The money raised by the sixth Nightingala event will be used to provide health services such as immunizations, health screenings, physical exams, preventive measures, parenting and nutrition classes, referrals, geriatric services, obesity-awareness, and after-school programs.