By Lynn Schultz-Writsel

School of Nursing professor Jacquelyn C. Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN, internationally recognized for her research documenting the physical and mental health effects of domestic violence, has been named the Scholar-in-Residence of the American Academy of Nursing/Institute of Medicine/American Nurses Foundation.
The IOM Scholar-in-Residence program was created in partnership with the AAN and the ANF and is an immersion experience designed to facilitate nurse leaders in playing a more prominent role in health policy development.
During her year as an IOM Scholar, Campbell will focus on research and policy initiatives to increase public understanding of how violence against women is significantly increasing the risk of women throughout the U.S.—and the world—of both contracting and dying from HIV/AIDS.
According to Campbell, domestic violence (and the frequently accompanying forced sex) is a risk factor for other STDs, which can increase the transmission of HIV. Moreover, abusive men are more likely to have sex with women other than their partners (thereby increasing their partner’s risk), and often, women in abusive relationships are afraid to get tested for HIV because they will be beaten if they test positive.
“This important intersection of violence against women and the risk of HIV/AIDS is key to addressing—and ultimately stemming—a growing threat to the lives of women everywhere,” notes Campbell, whose research on domestic violence has included abuse during pregnancy, intimate partner homicide, dating violence, and forced sex in intimate relationships.
Campbell added that the program—a yearlong position within the IOM at the National Academies of Science in Washington, D.C.—offers “an incredible opportunity to take my 20-year program of nursing research on domestic violence at Hopkins’ School of Nursing to another level of policy application. I will be able to synchronize the influence of the IOM with my commitment to women’s health, the AAN strategic concern for health disparities, and ANF support of nursing research to influence research and policy directions around this particular issue and other nursing research priorities.”
Throughout her career, Campbell has consulted on violence against women for the World Health Organization, collaborated with the Medical Research Council of South Africa and other international organizations through JHUSON global initiatives, and worked with both governmental and nongovernmental agencies, including the National Institutes of Health, USAID, the Department of Defense, and the Family Violence Prevention Fund.
During her tenure as a Scholar-in-Residence, Campbell will transition from her position as Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, but will continue to mentor her doctoral students and serve as a co-investigator on research projects with colleagues from Hopkins’ schools of Nursing, Medicine, and Public Health, and elsewhere. She plans to use her opportunity with the IOM to facilitate these students’ and investigators’ progress in policy formation and to encourage policy agencies to take advantage of their developing expertise.
“This is a rare opportunity and is much deserved by Dr. Campbell,” says Dean Martha Hill. “The IOM honor brings the spotlight to focus on her critically important work in domestic violence, and we at the School of Nursing are proud to share in the reflected glow of achievement.”