By Deb Kennedy
As promised, even though our alumni association has now merged with Hopkins, I will still try to keep CHH alumni up to date by writing “Church Notes” in this publication. Since so many of us gathered last December for the memorable dedication of the Freda Creutzburg scholarship, these are the highlights of what’s been happening.

- I have met three times with the Hopkins Archives Committee to deliver 15 boxes of precious CHH cargo. The items have been cataloged, and I will be made aware of exactly what should and should not be kept in future meetings. For instance, duplicates of publications may be inappropriate to pay to be stored. I hope to have a thorough report to share with everyone at Homecoming in October.
- The portraits of Ms. Creutzburg, Ms. Nash, and Ms. Elliott were sent to a restoration company in Washington, DC to obtain an estimate to restore these oil paintings to their original condition. The estimate to restore the three to museum quality was approximately $6,000. I am delighted to report that a very dedicated and generous alumna, who wishes to remain anonymous, agreed to pay for the restoration so that work could begin immediately and the portraits will be ready for October Homecoming.
- I received, anonymously, a 5’8” mannekin! Yes, we have a stunning mannekin so that our historic uniforms can be on display. I want to also thank Mickie Buterbaugh, ’52 for her generous donation of her dress form. This will be another excellent model to display our CHH blues!
- The Nursing Spectrum published a photo of the $100,000 check presentation in their April 11 issue in their “Community Profile” section. A larger article and photos appeared in the May 9 Spectrum. My article, “Securing a Future for Our Past” was published at that time.
- Thanks to Cathy Muse Ortega, ’70 who sent me two CHH student uniforms, a graduate uniform, student and graduate cap, her pin and her size 7 1/2 black shoes which fit our mannekin perfectly!
- The Class of ’47 held a luncheon get together at Bowman’s Restaurant on May 3.
- On April 18, CHH and JHUSON residents at Oak Crest joined with alumnifor a Tea. This was the first gathering of this kind for this group and due to the favorable feedback will indeed be repeated.
- The Archives Department is looking for a few good volunteers to help. Identifying faces in photographs is among some of the needed tasks. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Phoebe Letocha, Coordinator of Processing & Research by calling 410-955-3043.
- Joyce Tucker O’Shea, JHH, ’58, former CHH Director of Nursing, passed away on April 12 at age 74.
- If you have any knowledge of the location of the Silver Tea Service that adorned the tables at the many student teas, please notify me. No questions asked, the alumni really wishes to have this as part of the archives collection. It had been a gift to Ms. Cretzburg, and I have been told it is engraved “CHH or CHI.” It disappeared in 1975 from the School of Nursing.
- The Class of ’75 will be holding their 30th reunion in July at the JHUSON. Teri Lura Fink is organizing this event.
Please e-mail or call me with any alumni news or happenings, especially of the loss of any alumni. I hope to see all of you at Homecoming in October. Be sure and wear black stockings and shoes!
Have a safe, happy, and healthy summer,
Deb Kennedy
[email protected]
In Memoriam

Vice-President of Nursing
Church Home and Hospital
1974 – 1989Barbara Thomas Yinger ’58 writes about her memories of Joyce Tucker O’Shea:
“When I first met Tuck, as most of us called Joyce, her most notable characteristic was her wonderful southern drawl. She had come into nurse’s training after graduating from college in NC, and I remember asking her why. At that time I would have loved to be finished with school, but here she was with the rest of us, some out of high school and some with just two years of college, starting another educational process at Hopkins to be a nurse. She was very easy going and, of course, whizzed through all the subjects. She always attracted a crowd when her mother would send a tin of trash, which actually was a chex cereal type of snack. We were always hungry for that taste of home. The years after nurses’ training, we all were busy with getting started in our chosen professions as well as with families. Joyce stayed in Baltimore and eventually became director of nurses at Church Home and Hospital. In a way she joined Hopkins and Church Home again. (We had done training with the nursing students from Church Home for pediatrics and psychiatry so I think many of us already felt a kinship with that hospital.)
“It was always great to see Tuck at our reunions and coordinated functions with Church Home. I felt proud of her accomplishments and able to say, ‘She was in my class at nursing school.’”