Class Notes

Class Notes


Class Reporter – Mary Farr Heeg, 1046 Cross Hill Rd, Vassalboro, ME 04989-3745, (207) 923-3151. Norma George Hays is making applesauce, one of her mainstays for the winter. She continues to talk and read over the telephone to the little blind lady, though now it may be any time of day or evening. At times she walks 1.5 miles to the store, but lately has been driving her car. She is an avid reader. Mathajean Cook Radeck knits sweaters for 4-yr-olds through her church and is presently on her 67th. Her son is nearby. She sounds like the old Marthajean. I think Ausdrig Piranian Malouf was waiting for my call. She is really proud of her family. At this point in time she has four children, 17 grandchildren, 16 “greats” and more on the way. And, when you figure all the spouses–Wow! What a family! But Mary Ellen Margeson Spellsburg has done well, too. She has six children, 10 grandchildren, and two “greats” And no doubt some other “greats” will be along. Mary Ellen lives with her oldest daughter and sounds like a very active 88 year old. Zelpha Irwin Malo sounds the “busiest ” of any of us.” She lives in a very comfortable assisted living situation which she finds very satisfactory. She enjoys the camaraderie there as they engage in all kinds of games. There are at least two of her daughters living in the community, and she visits them and the “grands ” (especially the present 1-year-olds) frequently. Her piano is in a common room just down the hall. And she enjoys driving her car. I talked briefly with Katherine Benica Bowman ‘s husband. Apparently, Kitty is pretty well bed-ridden, but conscious. Her husband appears to be a very caring person. They have a son and grandson of whom they are very proud. Louise McDavid came through loud and clear as usual. She is still active with her church and the DAR and is voting. How? Republican, of course. She lives with her sister. Sarah Lambert Abrish is doing well. She will be moving to Colorado next fall. Shirley Olsen Carscadden sounds fine though I caught her at a bad time–the day after the election. But we could commiserate with one another concerning the outcome as our feelings were identical. Her family is the same as last year except all are a year older. Emily Elder lost a sister she was very close to. She lives in Wilmington, enjoys reading, plays, and concerts. I talked with Elsie Young Tipping ‘s husband, and he told me she had died in Feb. As for me, Mary Farr Heeg, I continue to do “my things” in Vassalboro (library, historical society and Grange). I try to get in a mile/day –walking, of course. I have a treadmill in my garage, which I use in very cold weather. I am supplied with apples from an orchardist friend. I make pies for his family each week as long as they last (about mid-Feb.) and for friends ‘ birthdays and special occasions. I use my mother ‘s recipe for pie crust mix–a 3 lb. can of Crisco and 5 lbs. of flour.


Class reporter – Laura Brautigam June, P.O. Box 655, Joshua Tree, CA 92252, (760) 366-8181, [email protected]. Betty Miller Edwards had her secretary write a note that this spring and summer, Betty suffered from hydrocephalus, which wasn ‘t relieved by fluid withdrawal, then followed spinal meningitis, antibiotics and two weeks in a rehabilitation facility. That and effects of minor strokes have made her recuperation difficult and slow, but she is now walking short distances and living at home, helped by a loving spouse, daughter, and family. A letter from Laverda Berg Johnston ‘s widower reported that her funeral was in Kansas. He speaks so highly of all the help hospice personnel are giving him. They call weekly to see how he is doing and often visit. He says the hurricane season has been so bad in Richmond that he may move back to Idaho.


Class Reporter – Betty B. Scher, 7235 Brookfalls Terrace, Baltimore, MD 21209, (410) 653-4024, [email protected]. Homecoming was great, but not as good as it will be next year when we have our 55th get-back-together. A letter will be coming out “soon” on that–promise. For now, I received a long phone call from Lolita Beidelman from DC. We decided both of us are slowing down, but all goes pretty well. She sees nieces/nephews, and I see kids/grandkids–whenever we can. Mary Agnes Hull Stewart, of course, still misses Maurice; but she has some children and lots of grandchildren around to keep her occupied and busy. She reports she has spoken to Mackie McCown Kolb twice fairly recently. I spoke with Mackie also recently. She reports “slowing down ” also, had one hospital stay, and now is home. Son Reuben lives nearby in TX; daughter Maia is still in WI. Anna Clair Junkin had a fairly recent hip replacement, but she says she is “doing fine.” Her “little baby ” grandchild is going to college! And daughter Claire has moved back to Baltimore, so Ann has both her children in town now. Annette Theriault Preston has one child who moved to FL, other family to Houston, still another to WV, leaving the youngest (Jimmy) at home. Most exciting thing that has happened for her is a visit from her sister and brother-in-law from AZ. Janey Shutts Pinkerton writes that she and Pink seem to be doing just fine. A grandson is going to be married in some “remote part ” of Brazil in February, but they probably will have to miss that one. Both of them went to Hilton Head in October for a medical meeting, planned to spend Thanksgiving in Durham with family, and then finished off the year with a cruise in December. Who says we older codgers have to slow down! As for me, Betty, I still work three days a week for the state and that is getting a bit more interesting now that we are concentrating on qualitative reviews and not just compliance with regulations. Daughter Susan is still with me doing different theatrical stuff–plus massages; Linda and crowd remain in NM; David in GA is still working on establishing a new career as a medical ethicist; Bob and family remain in DC so I get a chance to “babysit” every Saturday evening. I still do my hospice volunteer work, see friends, and do a lot of reading. So that’s all for this issue. However, wait until the next.


Reported by Mary Sue Clark Spahr, 345 Fairway Dr., Fairborn, OH 45324-4121, (937) 878-3089, [email protected]. Oh, what great fun it was seeing people we had not seen since September 21, 1959! A special thanks goes out to Evelyn Gant Chesney, Edith Rich Dungan and Jean Cowling Toth for joining the small group of regulars who show up at least every five years. To the best of my knowledge and recollection those in attendance included the above plus Patricia Vreeland Bredenberg, Barbara Pickel Daniel, Violet Hall Hembrow-Gay, Gertrude Jones Hodges, Meredith F. Kooyman, Margaret Royer Kostopolous, Dorothy Evans Lyne, Elaine Neely Schelle, Mary Sue Clark Spahr, Mary Rex Warfield and Ruth Worthington Yurchuck. I had hoped for a much bigger turnout given that most of us are either retired or winding down our careers. Jean Cowling Toth provided us with an update from those classmates who chose to participate. It is amazing to read about their families, their advanced degrees, and their contributions to nursing. I want to thank Jean publicly for taking on this monumental task for the enjoyment of her classmates. Our class should be quite proud that a former patient in the hospital was so pleased with her care that she set up a nursing scholarship in the name of her friend, Dorothy Evans Lyne, known to most of us simply as Dee. This is a great tribute to Hopkins nursing and quite an honor for Dee to know that her name will live on in the annals of the School of Nursing. It was delightful to meet Vee Hembrow-Gay ‘s daughter, Catherine, who is also a Hopkins grad, class of 1997. The cocktail party at the School of Nursing on Friday night brought out some familiar faces that really have not changed that much over the years. Mary Farr Heeg and Anna Dolan Flatley are the same as ever. Time seems to stand still for a fortunate few. Allie Sanborn, a pioneer in post anesthesia care, looks just like she did in the days we did our anesthesia recovery rotation in a sunroom at the end of a ward that had been converted to a recovery room. These Hopkins nurses, along with many others with whom we had the good fortune to be associated, changed the course of nursing history. Thanks to them all for their contributions to our careers. On Saturday evening, Elaine and Wayne Schelle hosted a lovely dinner for our class at The Hopkins Club on the main campus of Johns Hopkins University. The crab cakes and beef were outstanding. Thanks, Elaine and Wayne, for your never-ending support of the school. Our class raised a total of $15,490 to be contributed to the School of Nursing.  I hope we can double that in our 50th year. I also hope with all my heart that we can double the number of our classmates who return to the ever-changing and evolving hospital in 2009.


Linda Zack Tarr-Whelan reports that Veronica “Ronnie ” Thomson Swain passed away peacefully on January 8, 2005. Ronnie and Bert Swain were married right after our graduation and had more than 44 happy years together in New Jersey where Bert practiced dentistry. She had battled aggressive metastatic breast cancer for five years but as Bert says, “thanks to excellent medical care, we had a wonderful last year. ” They traveled extensively to see their children and grandchildren and took a long river cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam in November. In the eulogy for her mother, Ronnie ‘s daughter Alison said it best. “My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever knew. She was the perfect example of what a wife, mother, grandmother and daughter should be…My mother loved life. She always had a smile on her face and a hug and a kiss for everyone. She loved her family, and we loved her. We will all miss my mother “Ronnie, ‘but she leaves behind a tremendous legacy.”


In October, 2004, Louise Fitzpatrick, the Connelly Endowed Dean and Professor of Nursing at Villanova University College of Nursing, received the National League for Nursing Award for Outstanding Leadership in Nursing Education. The award, given every two years, recognizes Louise’s distinct contributions as a nursing education leader through scholarly activities, creative interactions with students from diverse backgrounds and service as a role model and mentor to junior faculty. The NLN cited Dr. Fitzpatrick ‘s “exemplary leadership serving tirelessly as educator, dean, author, scholar and international advocate for excellence in nursing education. ” She has committed her professional life to nursing education for over 30 years, 27 of them at the helm of Villanova College of Nursing, which is consistently ranked in national polls. Her innovative programs, unwavering high standards, and staunch support of nursing educators and students have led the College of Nursing to its recent naming by the NLN as a Center of Excellence in Nursing Education.


Reported by Gerry Peterson, 7517 Westfield Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817-6627, (301) 229-0538, [email protected]. After 40 years we are still amazing. We had a terrific turnout for our 40th. Far too much news to report here. Thanks to Diane Demarest Becker, with help from Eileen Sweetland Leinweber and Sue Gormley Buchanan, we will have a terrific memory book on CD–we are very tech savvy–to record all the news and memories. As many as 37 class members returned for various weekend activities with Alice Kiger coming from Aberdeen, Scotland, Carol Hoffman Herr, Kathi Johnson, Judy Hallagan and Kay Ellen Rennard Evanson coming from CA, and Beth Bernard Phillips and Helene Botta Williamson coming from TX. I think those were the longest journeys. The reception on Friday evening at the School of Nursing was full of mini reunions and then–true to form since we have many friends in high places–we got to take the extra food back to the hotel for a few more hours of reminiscing. We were up bright and early for breakfast back at the SON and, as usual, were the most impressive crowd at the Alumni Association meeting that followed. The formal luncheon at the 1840s Ballroom was lovely, and generally thought to be a great scheduling coup by the hard working crew in the SON office. On Saturday evening we had dinner at Martha Norton Hill’s, thank you Martha, and Diane gave us a wonderful power point presentation–a sample of what our memory CD will include. Everyone present had 90 seconds or less to report on the last 40 years and a great time was had by all. What a lovely gift for us all from Diane. Many promises to meet again before the next five-year reunion. It was a wonderful celebration of those friendships made so long ago.


Susie Cook Wahl recently married Charlie Wahl, after meeting him in Maui, HI. She has lived there since late 2001 and stays very busy with church, home projects, yard and garden work, travel, business, and spending active time in Hawaii’s versatile landscapes. After having her dominant thumb joint replaced twice, Susie has been unable to practice as an NP. Instead, she went back to school to become a certified legal nurse consultant and has established her own company.


Reported by Maureen Moore Dodd, 83 Market Street, Annapolis, MD 21401, [email protected]. Thirty-five years is starting to sound serious. But you would not have thought that looking at the hardy band of our class members who returned to Johns Hopkins for this celebration. No doubt we are older, but the class of 1969 still looks good! About 20 of our class members participated in reunion activities on October 1 & 2. We even had Geri Hirsh from the Class of 1970 join our fun. The cocktail party at the School of Nursing was great: the food, the music, the alumni, and the tours of the school (including Dean Angell ‘s office aka Sandy Stine Angell) kept us all busy. Our class was well represented for all the reunion events! Besides the cocktail party, some of us also attended the morning breakfast, meeting and luncheon on Saturday. You will note that the Class of 1969 photo has two extra Johns Hopkins standards. Miss Mary Farr and Reverend Shallenberger were delighted to share in our class antics! And we were honored to have them! The highlight of the reunion weekend was our class ‘s get-together Saturday evening at Sandy and Chuck Angell ‘s house in Baltimore. They opened their home to more than 20 of us. Although Peg Cushman did not make it this year, we enjoyed reviewing the video tape she created using photos from our days at Hopkins with memorable background music. Linda Andrist compiled information from questionnaires. The compilation was distributed before the reunion weekend. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner. We talked and laughed and ate and talked and hugged and promised to never forget our times together at Hopkins. We shared our histories and our hopes for the future. Peggy Shallenberger Adams (CA) and Nancy Blohm Kilmer (WA) came the farthest. Nancy has the youngest child (a 5-year-old) and grandchildren abound among many of our members! Who was there? Well, Peggy Shallenberger Adams, Linda Andrist, Sandy Stine Angell, Diane Mach Blattner, Jeanne Brinkley, Sandy Woomer Cimino, Maureen Moore Dodd, Judy Lis Dunn, Kathy Galley Ellis, Nancy Blohm Kilmer, Susan White Lipinski, Lynn O ‘Brien Lohrmann, Annie Beers Mannino, Susan Douglas Potter, Deb Boeshore Robertson, “Charlie ” Linda Bosch Scanlon, Cathy Dockey Stutler, Debbie Wiggins Trout and Midge Gamache Weinberg attended the festivities. We also had four brave husbands, Diane’s, Sandy’s, Jeanne’s and Lynn’s. Thank you gentlemen! We missed seeing many others who we hope will join us next time (2009) for our 40th reunion. The weekend was great fun. We all have ideas and plans for the future and anticipate new experiences. We are going to make it ‘in ‘ to be old (along with all the other baby boomers)! Suggestions were made to develop a website to facilitate communications among our members. We drafted Diane Mach Blattner (hopefully with her son ‘s expertise) to help us do that. Is anyone interested in helping with the website project? Thanks to all of you who participated whether in person, from a distance or in your hearts! Stay well until we meet again in 2009.


Major Leslie McCorkle Christopher graduated from the University of Washington with a master’s degree in nursing. She now is a women’s health nurse practitioner, stationed with the U.S. Air Force at Wilford Hall Medical Center, Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. She also spent three years as a coloratura soprano in the chorus with the San Francisco Opera.


Mary MacFadden is currently working in the Human Research Protections Office (HRPO) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. The HRPO works in conjunction with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to protect the rights and welfare of research subjects. Her official title is research compliance monitoring specialist. She also serves as the research subject advocate.


Class Reporter – Beth Cooper, work (410) 624-2485, home (410)276-0184, [email protected], [email protected]. I have not heard from anyone recently, so have nothing new to report! Please, please drop an email! I know everyone flips to the back of the magazine to see who is doing what, etc. Take a minute or two and send me an email! Homecoming 2004 was a huge success! We had a fun cocktail party–complete with a jazz trio and martini bar–on Friday evening and a luncheon at the 1840s Ballroom on Saturday (and the business meeting). Gotta say–it was pretty cool. Our class had two representatives to the Friday night event (Mickey and I–and we had way too much fun as we went out afterward!) and one attendee to the Saturday affairs (that would be me!). I was invited to be a board member for the Alumni Association as well as asked to head the Membership Committee. I am looking forward to these new and exciting challenges and will also continue to serve on the Homecoming 2005 Committee. We held our first Membership Committee meeting in the fall. Our goals this year are to sponsor a few events that local alums will want to attend. We had a happy hour the first Friday of Med-Surg (remember that? ugh!) at a Fells Point haunt. Also, we are working on acquiring discounted tickets to a Hippodrome show (Lion King). There are many JHUSON alums in the DC metro area, so we are working on a spring happy hour in the DC area. Everyone should receive a mailing from the Alumni Association in January asking folks to renew their membership. Our class membership is low so please consider becoming dues-paying members of the JHNAA. This is really important, and it is not a lot of money. Get in touch!


Living in Arlington, VA, Nicole Sofranko is engaged to be married in June of 2005. She is still practicing at a pediatric practice in Reston, VA as a Pediatric NP.


Class Reporter – Jenny Brady, 3900 Powhatan Parkway, Williamsburg, VA 23188-2778, (757) 258-3008, [email protected]. Our fifth year reunion class update! Thank you for those who sent in your forms to share where you have been. The Hopkins Hospital seems to be growing as usual along with the School of Nursing. Dean Hill discussed how the nursing students have outgrown our new building and that there will be an expansion to the building in the near future! Well, enjoy the news and keep it coming! Nadine Rosenblum married Micah and they have had two beautiful children, Artmi born 6-6-04 and Harrison born 3-26-02. She is doing well and since graduation has completed infant massage instructor training. She is currently working in the Hopkins NICU and loves being a mom. Her email is [email protected]. Brad Church is working on his master ‘s in nurse anesthesia. He is going to school full time and working part time in the open heart unit at York Hospital in York, PA. His son, Evan, and daughter, Regan, are doing well. He can be reached at [email protected]. Eric Leslie deserves special notation since he came to the reunion events! He is currently working with the Lifeline Critical Care Transport Team at Hopkins. He has been working with Marie Stokes and Ron Langlotz. Eric has been working half time on the ambulance and half time in the helicopter. Eric ‘s email is [email protected]. Speaking of which, Marie was married to Eric Depew in August 2004! Congratulations Marie! The wedding took place in Long Island, and they took a 10 day honeymoon to Maui! She and her husband bought a house in Baltimore, and she will graduate in December ’04 with her MSN from the University of Maryland, and will be an adult critical care nurse practitioner. Marie’s email is [email protected]. Ron is doing well and has three children, Ryan, Emma, and Nicholas. He was working with the transport team but has recently taken a new position as nurse manager at Hopkins in Radiology. He is also moving into a new house and can be reached at [email protected]. Maureen Mealy has also moved into a new home in Odenton, MD. She is working in the NNCU at Hopkins and is doing well. She can be reached at [email protected]. Diana (Muto) Beatty was married to Aaron Beatty (JHU ’97) and they have a son, Samuel James born 3-22-04. She is working part time as a staff nurse at Penn State Hershey Medical Center in the Cardio Care unit. Her email is [email protected]. Alice Lovell is traveling! She sent in an adorable picture of herself and her boyfriend Jeff in front of the Statue of Liberty. She has been all over the country and is currently working in the ortho trauma unit for Mass General. She also ran the Baltimore marathon in 02! She can be reached at [email protected]. Beth Serva Shrader is doing well. We caught up with her and Eric Leslie at ESPN zone Saturday of homecoming weekend. She has two girls, Ashtyn, 4, and Mikayla, 3. Beth is working nights in labor and delivery at GBMC and going to school at the University of MD Women’s Health Program to be completed May ’06. She can be reached at [email protected]. Katie Eiker wrote from Brookline, MA. She is working in the epilepsy clinic in the neuroscience unit at the Children ‘s Hospital in Boston. She can be reached at [email protected]. Kellye Scribner Wright welcomed Jalen on 8-27-03 and is enjoying being a mom. She is also working part time in community health at Highlandtown community center. Kellye can be emailed at [email protected]. Keren Benor was married to J.J. Jabai on 7-02 and is expecting her first child. Congratulations to Keren! She completed her MSN at Hopkins in child health and is working as a pediatric nurse practitioner in a private office in Frederick, MD. She is also working on her PhD at Hopkins. Wow! Stacey Holdsworth continued on at Hopkins and completed her MBA/MSN. She is working as a health insurance specialist for the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services. Stacey can be emailed at [email protected]. Kerri Reardon Blair and her husband, Fred, recently welcomed the birth of their beautiful son William Blair. Kerri is working part time in labor and delivery in northern California. Theresa Fagan also writes from California and has completed her master ‘s and is a pediatric nurse practitioner! Stacey Pearlman married Merrick Morse, and they have twin boys! Jordan and Jonas are one and she also has a son, Bryce, who is three-and-a-half. She is working as a prn at Holy Cross in labor and delivery. She can be reached at [email protected]. Lori Weldon writes from Tuolumne, CA. She graduated with her master ‘s from UC San Francisco and is working at Planned Parenthood. She is also interested in working with the MiWok Indian Tribe. She reports that her son is 11 years old now and her husband has retired from working at the radio and has opened a successful hot dog and rib business. She can be reached at [email protected]. I continue to work as a PNP in pediatric dermatology part time and have recently decided to return to inpatient work part time in the NICU. I have changed Internet carriers and will be using a new e-mail, [email protected]. Please drop me a line and let your classmates know how you are doing. Wishing well to all.

’99 Accelerated

Bridget A. Roughnean has received her MSN/MPH and is currently a travel nurse for the ER in Nantucket, Massachusetts. She plans to keep on traveling across the country in order to expand her experience. Bridget reminisces about the caliber of men and women in her undergraduate class. She felt that their wealth of experience, humor, and energy defined that year and made her hopeful for the future. After obtaining her master ‘s of science from Georgetown University in 2002, Julie Spencer is now a practicing NP at a private urology practice and also teaching at Georgetown University for undergraduate pediatric clinical and lab. If not busy with her new house in Cansdowne, VA, Julie enjoys soccer and hiking. When asked of her class memories, she was reminded of the care plans. With two children, Olivia, 4 and Dominic, 2, Amy Wechter is residing in Brooklyn, NY. She is currently a cardiac thoracic unit nurse at St. Vincent ‘s Hospital in Manhattan and plans on beginning her master ‘s program this fall. Amy Hewitt Paulino, living in Columbia, MD, is married to husband Catalino and has three children: Katheryn, Audrey, and Antonio. After receiving her MSN at Johns Hopkins in 2001, Amy is now a part-time PNP at the JHH Newborn Nursery and a full-time mom. Now working as Staff Nurse II at the University of Iowa Student Health Service, Jennifer Pummell Hamner is considering doing her master’s (FNP) there too. She is married to spouse Everett and has a one year old named Aidan. Jennifer keeps herself busy with breastfeeding, reading, and scrap booking. After her first position after graduation as a family nurse practitioner at the American University Student Health Center, Kara R. Marcinek is now living in Indialantic, Florida, with husband, Joe, and year-old daughter, Natalie. She currently works as a family nurse practitioner for a private practice orthopedic surgeon in Sebastian, FL. Jennifer Ross Thate is married to husband Tim and has a two-month-old boy named Ethan. She obtained her MSN from JHUSON in 2002 in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program. Jennifer is taking a break from teaching clinical in Adult Health at the University of Maryland to care for her son, and works occasionally for Intrastaff in the WICU at JHH. She ‘s enjoying watching her son grow and change. Jennifer remembers long days of lecture, Saturday morning care plans, lunch in the courtyard, unique and passionate classmates who she is sure are doing great things. A resident of Owings Mills, Maryland, Amy Hohmad-Runkle, lives with her husband. She has received her Master ‘s of Science degree in physiology/cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. Amy is now a heart/lung transplant coordinator at JHH, enjoying traveling, jogging, and designing/building their dream home. Married to husband Bruce, Hilkka Korvola Bold, now lives in Sandpoint, Idaho. She is currently living in a small town and enjoying work and play, which includes creek fishing out her back door and berry picking. She is an OB RN at two hospitals. Hilkka remembers an incredible combination of interesting people, air gum, crazy parties, white student uniforms, canoe trips, and care plans. Laura McKae Sperry obtained her MSN (Adult NP) at UCSF in 2004 and is living with husband Alex in San Mateo, California. Currently, Laura is working as an Emergency room RN in Redwood City, although they are in process of moving to Sacramento. She enjoys skiing and mountain biking and is on a masters swim team. Taking some time off to focus on motherhood, Christina Campbell Endrud is living with husband Nik and 20-month-old daughter Grace in Birmingham, Michigan. She received her Master’s in Nursing at JHUSON in 2001. Christina and her husband enjoy the outdoors, traveling to see friends, and being parents.

’00 Accelerated

Class Reporter – Chad Eckert, 1680 Thetford Rd., Baltimore, MD 21286, [email protected]. Lara Ho, a current doctoral student at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award. She is a PhD candidate in the Department of International Health and will study the barriers to diabetes prevention in Northwest Ontario First Nations in Canada. Congratulations to Megan Maguire Mikula and her husband Mike on the birth of their son, Jack Matthew, on August 28, 2004. Megan returned to work at NIH after Thanksgiving.


Class Reporter – Cindy Bode, 9 Trenton Lane, Bel Air, Maryland 21014. 410-836-8617. Mike Cox was married on November 6. Paul More attended the wedding with his girlfriend Michelle. Paul is currently on travel assignment in San Jose, California. Marc Dunbar was seen surfing large waves in Tahiti. Christiani Guerrero was married over the summer in New Hampshire. Jeanette Godlewski, Heidi Shafland, Emily Bahne and Taquoa Shamberger were in attendance. Renee Mentore was married on August 22. Cathy Feldman attended a trauma class at JHUSON. She is planning another trip to Thailand. She will go with her boyfriend and family. I am still living in Bel Air and working per diem for Upper Chesapeake Medical Center. My neighbors are in-laws to Erin Hughes Howard.


Kelly Wong is now residing in San Diego, CA, and is working in the PICU at Children ‘s Hospital of San Diego. Recently married, Kathryn Kuhn Rolland is a registered nurse at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, MA.

’03 Accelerated

Ellie Duplass is now Ellie Duplass Tsikalas after marrying Emanuel Tsikalas, an ensign and flight student in the US Navy. They are currently living in FL. After a year of hospital cardiac experiences on a unit, Ellie now works at a cardiology office known as the Northwest Florida Heart Group.

’04 Accelerated

Kelly Conroy is currently working on the pediatrics unit at the Northern Navajo Medical Center in Shiprock, while living in Farmington, NM. The Medical Center is an Indian Health Service hospital located on the Navajo reservation.