Scholarships Make Students’ Dream a Reality

Scholarships Make Students’ Dream a Reality

RWJF ScholarsSix students will pursue a Hopkins nursing education this year with the help of a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The New Careers in Nursing Grant, combined with monies from the school, provides at least $20,000 to each of these accelerated baccalaureate students.

Lucine Petit Francis, Jessie Fuentes, Kyle Jensen, Katrina Harston, Aitalohi Amaize, and Rahwa Gessese (pictured above, from left) are six of the 1,917 nursing students at 101 schools of nursing who have benefited from the program nationwide.

“These are a group of stellar students who bring their own unique backgrounds to the school,” said associate dean for student affairs Sandra Angell. “Each one of them has so much to contribute to the nursing field, and these scholarships will help them bring those contributions to fruition.”

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