New Aid for PhDs

New Aid for PhDs

Responding to economic uncertainty and threats to federal research funding, the School of Nursing is offering new graduate assistantships for PhD students.

The PhD program will fill gaps by providing funding through the first year of study and offering graduate assistantships for students in their second year and beyond.

While the School continues to expect and support doctoral students’ efforts to seek funding from external sources, the PhD program will fill gaps by providing funding through the first year of study and offering graduate assistantships for students in their second year and beyond. With a 20-hour-a-week research or teaching requirement, the assistantships will help PhD students avoid seeking employment off-campus, a scenario that can add years to their studies.
The majority of students have obtained grants from the National Institutes of Health and others to cover tuition and costs in their third year of study and beyond, an enviable record. Yet other mechanisms are essential to supporting students who are unable or as in the case of international students ineligible to obtain this type of support.

In addition to the Graduate Assistant program (full tuition and $22,032 for
12 months), other nursing PhD fellowships are available.
For a list, visit

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