Bright Moments for Nursing on Hopkins Series

Bright Moments for Nursing on Hopkins Series
  • The ABC series, Hopkins, was a ratings win for the network and portrayed heroic medicine, catastrophic disease, and miraculous technology. Many of you were glued to your TV each week to watch Hopkins from a different point of view. Nurses, while severely underrepresented, had some shining moments.
  • Megan Quick, PICU, showed compassion to a beautiful infant undergoing cardioversion.
  • Teresa DeVaughn, PICU, resuscitated a child and maintained a cardiac rhythm during transport to the ED. Hopkins also led to additional media coverage of Hopkins nurses.
  • Rhonda Wyskiel, and Christine Gonzalez, MSN ’07 WICU, appeared on the CBS Early Show.
  • Megan Quick, PICU, traveled to New York City to be interviewed by ABC’s Dr. Tim Johnson, health correspondent.
  • Joan Diamond, Nurse Manager in Obstetrics, appeared in a WMAR special with other nurses.
  • Deb Baker accel. ’92, MSN ’97, Director of Nursing for Surgery, did a live interview on WYPR.

The ABC series also increased interest among RNs in employment at Hopkins. During the series, job applications increased by 140 and web hits increased by 4,500, with 1,100 unique web visitors.

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