Your Golden Nuggets Before the End of the Rainbow: Career Services!

Your Golden Nuggets Before the End of the Rainbow: Career Services!


Hello SON! tiaRN here, with some tips I’ve gathered from the 3 months that have gone by since Graduation. It’s been a whirlwind, and when I think about it, I can’t believe all that has happened from the NCLEX-RN to landing my dream job, to working and orienting for a full-month! But for me, it all began when I discovered and partook in a treasure that is available for us all: Advising at Career Services! I’d like to share 5 ways I benefited from meeting with Career Services early and regularly as needed. I hope these tips expedite your journey. Special thanks to Nyuma Harrison, Nurse Career Services Specialist who provided the career advice shared here.

1. Work your networks: I learned from Career Services that your opportunities often come from who you know. Intuitively speaking, you first have to possess a network in order to make it work for you! Join a professional organization. Volunteer. Become active in a student group. As with anything in life, people enjoy spending time with, and yes, even working with people they are familiar with or feel connected to. This tip helped me to realize the power in who i knew and my job search become all the more targeted and strategic.

2. Start your NCLEX-RN study early! : It just made sense, and crazy enough I understood that it could never be too early to begin! In fact, i am almost positive that the sooner one begins studying for the NCLEX-RN, the more course exam experiences would also improve. So consider  where you are in your nursing school journey and figure out how to work it in. Do remember that there are many, many resources to choice from.

3. Transform your resume: I have never gotten such specific and practical tips to directly improve my resume like I have gotten with Nyuma at SON! Enough said: go schedule your visit!

4. Be confidently You!: Back to your resume, it tells a strong story. If every aspect of your resume yells “I am interested in Acute Care” then maybe that’s a clue that you really are passionate about acute care!  Trying to convince employers to hire you in something unrelated may be a challenge. Now get me right: this is coming from a person who has applied for any and every job out there desperate to appear like everyone’s best candidate, when i wasn’t. I am passionate about some things and it shows. Let’s  be true to ourselves and muster up the courage to run after our dream jobs. After watching my amazing colleagues walk into their dreams one by one, I decided to go get mine. And I did!!!

5. Plan out your Licensing Process Early!: I know there may not be a lot of talk about it till your last semester, but there  is quite a process to getting licensed, scheduling your boards, and being ready for professional Nursing. Consider scheduling a meeting to learn more about it or even get started on the process. Once it is all taken care of, the transition is much smoother–trust me!

Lastly, all the points on this list and so much more are often addressed during Lunch & Learn. Take some time to go–and bring your buddies. They can really help set you up for success and put you ahead of the game.

Can’t wait to serve with you soon!


Taiwo “tia” Ajao, RN BSN MPH

Mother-Baby Nurse & Stork’s Nest Educator

Some SON alum with Nyuma Harrison, our Nurse Career Services Specialist!
Some SON alum with Nyuma Harrison, our Nurse Career Services Specialist!

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