Reflection on Guatemala

Reflection on Guatemala

jhublogpicA few things I took from Guatemala:

…to whom much is given, from him much will be required. Luke 12:48

I was blessed with the opportunity to use my nursing skills to help people in Guatemala. The care that I gave those people is far from equivalent to what they have given me. I now have a fire lit in my heart that is screaming to use all that I have been given towards selfless ways for others.

The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give. -Walt Whitman

I wish I could share ALL of what I experienced, what I learned, what I saw, and what I gained. The people of Guatemala were wonderful. The staff we worked with were great. God was very much present throughout the city and in the hearts of Guatemala’s people.

We were able to see and experience healthcare in impoverished communities of Guatemala and took away a great appreciation. I have been impacted for life by my experience and hope to continue growing from and helping underserved populations all over the world. I thank you all for the support!!

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