In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Margaret Terry Knowles ’24
Margaret Duff Alexander ’39
Anna Buchko Flatley ‘40
John Flatley, husband of Anna Buchko Flatley ‘40
Sara Neese ’40
Zelpha I. S. Malo ’41
Dorothy Ford Krieger ’46
Elizabeth Putnam Mann ’46
Ruth Pennebaker ’46
Olive Willson Fink ’47
Ruth Patricia Beechwood Bender ’53
Mary Louise Brister Burns ’54
M. Joan Hagigh ’57
Art Gehlbach, husband of Wendy Gehlbach ‘61
Maureen Hilliard Feeser ’63
Barbara Fout Eckhardt ’68
Connie Taylor ’92
Charlotte Brown Sottile ’36
Wilda Walker Mahoney ’46
Deborah Ann Miller ’68

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