Washington, DC Trip

Washington, DC Trip

Haiti Group PhotoThank you for the warm welcome,  information, encouragement and support we received  from the  Pan American Health Organization and Haitian Embassy yesterday.  Our visit to Washington, DC was a success.

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is  the worlds oldest international public health organization and serves as the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization.  It provides technical cooperation and mobilizes partnerships to improve health and quality of life in the countries of the Americas, including Haiti.

We had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Andrus, the Deputy Directory, who shared his knowledge, experience and enthusiasm for working in Haiti.

The Haitian Embassy is a beautiful building decorated with a variety of art from Haitian artists. The Deputy Chief of Missions and Public Affairs, Mr. William Exantus, graciously agreed to sit down with us and provide some greater insights into what to expect and what to look forward to when we get to Haiti next week!

Thank you again to all of those who graciously support us!

If you would like to donate to our Haiti fund please visit the link below.  ALL donations go directly to supplies we will be bringing the Jeremie community.


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