In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Edith Nunn Cobb ’32
Elfleda Hallenbeck Ostrander ’32
Nancy Gordon Dameron ’38
Margery Ladd Eadie ’39
Mildred Richards St. Pierre ’40
Louise Lyon Pope ’42
Marjorie Grand-Girard Myers ’44
Frances Schlosser Scherer ’44
Elizabeth Repp Purdy ’45
Margaret Adalene “Winnie” Wynkoop Carter ’46
Catherine “Kitty” Hunt Harrison ’46
Rebecca Graham Catlin ’47
Nancy Shearer Northam ’49
Susan Bumpass ’51
Marcia Jacobs Block ’52
Helen Whissen Hayen ’52
Elizabeth Alwilda O’Hill ’54
Jennie Uehara Yahuso ’54
Audrey Rahm, mother of Brenda Joyce Schwaab ’67
Deborah Dietz, Accelerated ’96

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