Spring was busy for your alumni association, tending to student and alumni gardens. We hope you’ll join us in welcoming new graduates as they begin their careers around the country. By celebrating the accomplishments of our new grads, we hopefully bring into the fold new and inspired ideas to our association. It is our more “experienced” alumni who help us welcome the new graduates to our committees and network of Hopkins nurses.
We held two pinning celebrations this spring! First, the graduating seniors from the traditional and 17-month program converged into the alumni auditorium after having been separated for over a month in their leadership sites. A month later, the accelerated class received their pins just as they were about to leave for their leadership sites. The excitement was palpable at both events as each student was pinned by an alum and a festive reception followed. All had a grand time.
The fruits of the labor of many among us have finally paid off with the launch of our book, Our Shared Legacy, on June 8th at the Enoch Pratt library downtown. A reception was held to greet the editor and authors. It is a beautiful book and quite an accomplishment! It can be ordered through the JHU Press. Be sure to ask for the 25 percent alumni discount. (www.press.jhu.edu or 800-537-5487)
There is much more to whet your appetite to get involved in ushering our new graduates in to our association that is rich with both history and opportunity. We want alumni volunteers from around the country to contact and mentor a new graduate. If you are interested, please contact Melinda Rose at [email protected].
There is plenty to do to get ready for Homecoming ’06 so please call your classmates and get involved. Make this year yours to remember for years to come. Be sure to check out the Alumni page on the website and update your information so we can keep you current with alumni and Hopkins events. Have a safe and happy summer, and I hope to see many of you in the fall!