Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

The editorial staff of Johns Hopkins Nursing wishes to acknowledge the assistance provided by Mary Frances (“Fran”) Keen, Class of ’70, in the preparation of the article “Mission Accomplished” published in the Summer 2005 Johns Hopkins Nursing.  Fran shared with the authors her chapter, “Triumph and Tension,” from Our Shared Legacy: Nursing Education at Johns Hopkins 1889-2006, to be published in 2006.

The editors

Unexpected Pay-offs

I so thoroughly enjoyed “Mission Accomplished” (Summer 2005). I graduated from the Nursing program in 1977, when it was housed in the School of Health Services.

The class of 1977 consisted of highly educated, accomplished, and talented students, many of whom were entering nursing in mid-life and as second careers.  I am pleased that Kay Partridge can reflect positively on the quality of students and faculty, and the merits of those willing to take the risk to learn and teach in an innovative program. I believe this is in fact the education I received: to take risks and “create rather than maintain.”

After reading this wonderful article and about those unsettling years I spent at Hopkins, I am appreciative of the education I did receive; perhaps not the education I had expected, but one that has served me well.

Stephanie Talbott ’77, MHSA, RNC


Just got the summer issue of Johns Hopkins Nursing and thought it was superb, particularly the “Game of Nursing.”

Angela Barron McBride
Distinguished Professor & University Dean Emerita
Indiana University School of Nursing


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