Children’s Book – Step One

Children’s Book –  Step One



As you may have heard, I wrote a children’s book and I am working on getting it available to the public.  Of course, this is easier said then done.  After meeting with Lynn Schultz-Writsel, the director of the Office of Marketing and Communications and Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, she suggested that I do two things to get my name out.

1)   Begin a blog

2)   Make a YouTube with the illustrations and a narration of the story line

Check back for updates on the books availability and video of it’s narration as I hope to get it up and running within the next few weeks.

For now, I have posted the cover of the book as well as a YouTube clay-mation video that I produced with my dear friend Allie Hauptman in the 6th grade.   Please view this video with the understanding that it was written, scripted, and produced by 12 years olds.

Super Pickle

And so it begins, my blog.



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