

Melissa HendricksMelissa Hendricks

Once she got over the “Ew gross!” factor, Melissa Hendricks enjoyed writing “Saliva Science” (page 32) and learning about how scientists analyze saliva. She even acquired a new-found respect for the fluid. Probe its watery depths and you might find any of 2,000 different chemicals so far identified there, says Hendricks, a humbling fact to consider the next time you spit. Hendricks is a freelance science and medical writer who also teaches in the Johns Hopkins Master of Arts in Writing Program.

Cate NielanCate Nielan
Cate Nielan (“Group Think,” page 26) is a professional writer and editor based in Baltimore. Cate’s career has focused primarily on education and healthcare. She spent several years as Managing Editor at INNOVIA Education Institute, specializing in continuing medical education. Prior to that, she served as Managing Editor for Intercom magazine (as well as Assistant Communication Director) at the Society for Technical Communication.
Photo by Jennifer Koing

Jennifer WalkerJennifer Walker
While researching this issue’s “House Calls” (page 22) feature story, freelance writer Jennifer Walker was amazed to learn that older adults’ lives can drastically improve with small environmental and health changes. “Steps as simple as installing a railing in their home or teaching them tai chi moves can make a huge difference in reducing pain and increasing independence,” she says. “That was very eye-opening.” Walker’s work has also appeared in Urbanite, Baltimore magazine, and The Baltimore Sun.

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