A Breath of Fresh Air

A Breath of Fresh Air

Ashley Sayles is a force of nature, and we consider ourselves very lucky around here that she never became a (University of Miami) Hurricane.

We’ll let her explain …

[youtube width=”702″ height=”344″]https://youtu.be/9YaunfN6CDk[/youtube]

It’s a funny bit, but only part of Ashley’s story of strength, perseverance, and positive spirit. If you watched the whole video, you know already.

And you should see the stuff we left out! Some of it not so good for her, as we dragged Ashley, an asthma sufferer her whole life, out into a cold winter day with only a lab coat to protect her as we gathered some “B-roll.” We had to cut that part about tap dancing; working with Jewels Inc. to mentor urban girls 8-18 during her undergrad days at Howard University and beyond; working with moms and babies — and picking babies, duh — as she worked her way toward a nursing specialty.

Ashley’s about to become a new pediatrics nurse at The Johns Hopkins Hospital (May 2015), and she’s planning a wedding, and … she’s just awesome. Give our Q&A with Ashley Sayles a look in Johns Hopkins Nursing magazine and see if you don’t agree. Bet you will.

–Steve St. Angelo