A Little (Egg)stra Fun

A Little (Egg)stra Fun

I know this post comes a little late…but that’s what happens when nursing school takes over! It’s a tradition in my family (and pretty much all over Texas and the South) to celebrate Easter by chasing your family members around and cracking cascarones on their heads. What is a cascarone you ask? That’s exactly what all my friends here in Baltimore said, so I had a little fun exposing them to some Southern culture…


egg pic 1

egg 2

photo (1)

So as you can see from the picture, cascarones are the epitome of good Easter-egg-hunting confetti fun. Very simple to make and you too could bombard all your east coast friends 🙂

How to make a cascarone…

Step 1: take a raw egg and with a sharp knife cut off the top of the egg and pour it out

Step 2: rinse the egg shell out and decorate as desired, allow to dry

Step 3: fill the egg shell with confetti

Step 4: put a little glue around the opening of the egg shell and cover with tissue paper

Step 5: crack over all your friend’s heads 🙂

Just a little proof that we do have SOME time for fun in nursing school


egg 3
Cascarones before covering with tissue paper



cascarones 2
Finished product!!




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