A New Look for Our Website

A New Look for Our Website

If you are a subscriber to the paper version of Johns Hopkins Nursing magazine, you’ve noticed subtle and not-so-subtle changes over the past year or so in the way it looks and feels in your hands. Well, for functional as well as aesthetic reasons, we figured it was time to update the magazine’s website too. It had a lot of miles on it, and the warranty was up. And it was summer.

The goals were fairly straightforward: Give our very popular On the Pulse blog and the growing set of School of Nursing podcasts an ever-more-visible platform as part of the magazine site; improve the user experience a whole bunch over a website that was built when user experience was less a “thing”; make it prettier; and do this without losing the online history of Johns Hopkins Nursing.

So here we are in Phase 1 of the website makeover. It’s exciting to share the results of all that work … so far. The plan from here is to use the capabilities of the site to add some context to all that we bring you through the magazine. That could mean more seamlessly pairing a new article or blog with an archival one that adds to its impact. It will mean making it a ton easier to look back at older issues. Oh, and no more pulldowns that fill the screen if your curser happens to drift to the page’s top. Yes, we disliked that too.

It has taken a bit longer than we expected, of course, meaning that summer is nearly gone. (The difficulty of a website rebuild shouldn’t be understated, especially done remotely during a pandemic.) And there’s a learning curve with all things new. So, please be patient with any early bugs. (Fingers crossed that there will be very few.) And by all means, keep checking back as we phase in new bells and whistles and find new ways to highlight the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing’s people and the impact they are making across the world.

Meanwhile, take a look around. Welcome to Johns Hopkins Nursing.

Steve St. Angelo
Editor, Johns Hopkins Nursing

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