2024 SON Research and Academic Affairs Awards

Steve St. Angelo
By Steve St. Angelo  | 
Summer 2024 As Seen in Our Summer 2024 Issue

Each year, the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing (JHSON) recognizes staff, doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty who have made significant contributions and demonstrated their commitment to the school’s mission. All members of the JHSON community may nominate individuals for these awards.

Congratulations to the 2024 winners:

Research Administration Staff Award
Chelsea Wagner

Research Staff Award (two winners)
Samantha Curriero
Cassie Land-Lewis

Graduate Research Assistant Award (two winners)
Chitchanok Benjasirisan
Fernando Mena-Carrasco

Teaching Assistant Award
Inga Antonsdottir

Outstanding Postdoctoral Research Award
Getachew Kassa

Outstanding Dissertation Award
Katie McNabb

Excellence in Health Equity Research Award (two winners)
Arum Lim
Jennifer Lee

Excellence in Community-Engaged Research Award
Hailey Miller

Outstanding Faculty Research Award
Jessica Gill
Binu Koirala

Outstanding Faculty Research Paper Award
Bunmi Ogungbe

Exceptional Community Partner in Research Recognition
Alex Solano-Umana

Excellence in Research Mentoring Award (five winners)
Chakra Budhathoki
Junxin Li
Cecelia Tomori
Katherine Ornstein
Binu Koirala

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